

Why do people make totems poles?

Updated: 7/23/2022
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Q: Why do people make totems poles?
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Related questions

What are the kinds of totem poles?

Clan and Shame Totems.

Do Totem poles differ from today?

some were bigger then. and now totems are much smaller but can still make big ones

What do totems poles represent?

I really don't know because I here the same reason you

In which province would you find totems poles?

British Columbia, Canada.

What roles do totem poles play in native culture?

The role that the totem poles play is that they summon the spirits of your totem and then your totems will always be with you and they will help you.

What is a wood carving made by American Indians in the northwest?

Totem poles

For what purpose did North American Tlingit artists carve totem poles?

Totems are carved to tell a story about a clan or family.

Why were totems made?

Totem poles were made to represent families or tribes of the native americans. Each picture and colour on a pole represents something different so most poles were unique. Nowadays few people carve totem poles, and some do spoofs and sell them for more money saying they are real when they are not. It is a good tradition wasted :(

When did the Native Americans make totems?

nobody knows

How wide are totem poles?

It depends entirely on how big a tree they started with. In the BC Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver, there are totems over 4 feet wide.

Are there fake totem poles?

yes there are because people make totem poles and sell them for double the price

What countries use totems?

most native tribes or native people