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To get away from the war.

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Q: Why do people migrate during world war 2?
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Why did people to migrate to the South and West during world war 2?

Defense industries and military bases were located there.

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because of world war

Which countries did Jews migrate to during and after World War 2?

The Jews migrated to Palestine after World War 2.

Why did people migrate to US between the civil war and world war 1?

the colinists and the native Americans

Why were millions of people forced to migrate after World War 2?

changes in the boundaries of states

What did people drink during World War I?

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What did cooks do during World War I?

They cooked for the people at World War 1

Were people tortured during World War 1?

Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

Why did the Asians migrate to Britain?

Because there was the world war.

What was the process forcing people to join the army during World War I?

The process forcing people to join the army during World War 1 was called conscription

Why weren't there any immirants in the start of world war 2?

Because people tend to move (migrate) to avoid the conflict, so with no war there was little movement of people. When war came and countries were invaded populations started to move to avoid the conflict; or the invading military forces. This is how you tend to have more immigrants during a conflict.

How many people died during Wold War 1?

About 17,000,000 people died during World War I. An additional 22,000,000 were wounded.