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There are a number of possible answers to this. First: Evolution is taught as fact, even though some scientists (not creationists) have their doubts about aspects of it.

Second: Somewhat related to this, there is the regular use of what could be called 'fuzzy terminology' where any change in an organism is termed as evolution, when it is merely variation within the pre-existing genetic make-up of an organism. Changes certainly occur, for various reasons such as environmental pressures, but for evolution to occur there must be new genetic information which did not previously exist. The use of careless terminology means that everything is viewed as evidence for evolution - it is seen as happening all around us and those who wish to use more scientifically accurate terminology are branded as holding 'fixity of species.'

Third: There are those who have a philosophical agenda. Communists, beginning with Marx, stated that evolution was the scientific basis for his political philosophy. It must be stated here that by far the majority of scientists who accept evolution today are not communists. Some have said, however, that evolution is part of a naturalistic, humanistic, even atheistic world view, and that creation 'must not be allowed to get a foot in the door.'

Fourth: Many people do not and cannot possibly live with certain philosophical conclusions derived from the theory, such as "ultimate meaninglessness." So, even though they hold evolution to be true scientifically, they hold various forms of Christian and Biblical morality which are not consistent with an evolutionary worldview. What some tend to do is to say that evolution is no threat to belief in an Almighty Creator God and they hold theistic evolution which states that 'God used evolution.'

Fifth: For those who have rejected God, evolution seems to provide a justification for this choice. Thus evolution, in which nothing can be either moral or immoral can in some cases support certain personal choices.

Sixth: There are those who would claim a purely rationalistic/scientific justification, 'on the basis of the evidence.' It is not the place here to cast doubt on the sincerity of such claims. The only thing that could be noted is that there are people who claim to reject evolution on purely scientific grounds. Those who insist they have a purely rational reason for their decision seem most aggressively devoted to it and less willing to discuss any possible scientific objections which is suggestive of something non-rational.

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It's up to you whether you believe it or not but there are vast amounts of scientific evidence in support of it - and no real reason not to believe it.

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The main problem is, "Evolved from what?" The starting point of evolution requires that at some point non living materials became living materials. Science has yet to prove that that is possible.

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Science isn't about belief. It is about what can be demonstrated, and about what the evidence indicates. Scientists don't simply gather around and say to each other, "show of hands--who wants to believe in some nonsense today" and the take a vote. Instead, they develop theories to explain the evidence, and then test those theories.

In the case of evolution the initial tests were fossils. Darwin predicted we should find a fossil transition between dinosaurs and birds, and we did. He also predicted we should find an earlier species of man, and Australopithecus afarensis was discovered. More recently, scientists predicted we should be able to find a fishapod, and they discovered Tiktaalik roseae.

We have also conducted experiments that reveal genetic relationships between species. Evolution is very well supported by the evidence. But it shouldn't simply be "believed." If it turns out to be wrong, you should be able to reject the theory in favor of a better one at the drop of a hat. No one changes their religion that way. In this respect, science is not about belief.

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Because it was basically correct! It was supported by massive amounts of evidence, it was internally consistent and, most importantly, it explained the species problem and much about the fact of evolution very well and this has been confirmed empirically many times since Darwin first conceived the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.

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9y ago

People readily accept the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection because of the mounting scientific evidence that supports it. Evolution is the best explanation for the facts. The Catholic Church was, naturally, slow to acept the reality of evolution, but the following summary shows how its position has changed over the last 60 years:

  • Pope Pius XII stated in his encyclical Humani Generis(1950) that there was no opposition between evolution and the doctrine of the faith and that he considered the doctrine of "evolutionism" a serious hypothesis, worthy of investigation and in-depth study equal to that of the opposing hypothesis;
  • Pope John Paul II, in an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996), said that new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis;
  • Pope Benedict has refused to endorse "intelligent design" theories, instead backing "theistic evolution" which considers that God created life through evolution with no clash between religion and science.

The Episcopal Church has said that Darwin's theory of evolution does not conflict with Christian faith. In 2006, the General Convention affirmed, via Resolution A129, that God is creator and added that "the theory of evolution provides a fruitful and unifying scientific explanation for the emergence of life on earth, that many theological interpretations of origins can readily embrace an evolutionary outlook, and that an acceptance of evolution is entirely compatible with an authentic and living Christian faith."

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Q: Why do people so readily accept the Theory of Evolution?
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How many people believe in the theory of evolution?

When the evolutionary theory was first proposed, people didn't believe it. Often, religion and evolution contradict themselves and even today, there are many people who favor creationism over evolution.

Why was Charles Darwin discovery important?

this is because he looked at how small bacteria evolved through the years & made us, US! Answer Charles Darwin propounded the mechanism of evolution of all life, Natural Selection. Darwin is important as he is famed for the theory that is the baseline of all biology, the Theory of Evolution.

How many Darwin Evolution Theory?

Are you asking how many evolutionary theories there are?DIFFERENT EVOLUTION THEORIES nebular hypothesisplanetismal theorytidal theory theorybinary theorydust cloud theorystellar dyamic theorycollision theoryconvergent theoryabiogenesis theory (spontaneous generation)biogenesis theorygeneral theoryhopeful monster theorypansperuria theorybig bang theoryanthropic principletheistic theoryneutral theory (lucky accident)broad scale theorypunctuated equilibeium theorypatchwork origin theory

Why were the ideas of Darwin and Freud hard for so many people to accept?

Darwin's theory of evolution went against the Bible and Freud's social science of psychology made people reject the idea that people could use their reason to build better lives.

How do you make people believe evolution?

You explain to them how evolution is thought to work, and what, based on that, we should expect to find in biology, genetics and palaeontology. Then you allow them to see what we actually do find in biology, genetics and palaeontology. If they're able to understand what has been explained to them and shown to them, they will subsequently accept evolutionary theory (ie. common descent and natural selection) as the best (and indeed only available) explanation.

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Can someone accept the theory of evolution and still believe in the creator?

Absolutely. There aren't many scientists today that do not accept the theory of evolution, but yet many, many of them are religious.The group of people 'claiming' that evolution cannot coexist with religion are religious fanatics & evolutionist devotee's. Do not mind them.

What makes the theory of creation and evolution significant in existence of humanity?

There is no theory of creation. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution. The only significance to human society is that some people can not accept the real and modern world because of ideological constraints.

What do you think of the theory of evolution?

It does not mater what anyone thinks about the theory of evolution by natural selection. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the best explanation we have for much of the observed and observable fact of evolution. The theory is internally consistent with the fact of evolution, it is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and it generates testable predictions in the form of scientific hypothesis. The opinion of no one is needed by the theory of evolution by natural selection and educated people have come to accept the theory.

Why should people believe in evolution?

People should not " believe in " evolution but accept that evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact. The also need to consider the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains much about evolution, as one of the most well supported explanatory theories in science. Then they would, if they are intellectually honest, come to accept not only the fact of evolution but the theory of evolution by natural selection. " Believe in " is a term one uses when one can provide no supporting evidence for one's concepts and this does not include evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection. Go here and learn.

How many evolutionist are there?

All educated people accept evolution and the theory that explains it. " Evolutionist " is a term not used among biologists. Even if there were no " evolutionists " evolution would still be an observed and observable fact and the theory of evolution by natural selection would still be the best explanation for much of the fact of evolution.

Why do some people not accept evolution?

Some people believe that evolution goes against their religion and choose not to accept the scientific notion.

Is evolutionism racist?

No. Evolution is a scientific theory. It is not racist, but some Christans are against the teaching of evolution and believe in another theory called Creationism.Another Perspective:No. Evolutionism (the idea or theory) is not racist. There are some, though, who are racist, and accept this theory as a scientific law, and then misinterpret and distort the theory, in efforts to justify their racist positions. This is a problem of people misusing the theory, not a problem of the theory itself.

What is the Jewish explanation for where did people come from?

Most of us accept the theory of Evolution. The story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor intended to remind us that we are all of one family.

Did people accept Charles Darwin theory?

Somehow some people believe in his theory but most people believes in creation theory

Does everyone like Charles Darwin and his work?

No. Most people do - the cast majority of people accept the principle he expounded in On the Origin of Species. A small minority of people, mainly fundamentalist Christians, deny the theory of evolution and thus are opposed to Darwin.

What percent of the world population believes in evolution?

The great majority of people in Europe, Australia and New Zealand accept the Theory of Evolution. A recent poll in Canada shows 59 percent believe in evolution, 22 percent disagree and 19 percent are unsure. There is a great deal of dispute about the relative proportions in the United States, but somewhere around half the adult population also accepts the Theory of Evolution. Evolution is taught in Chinese, Japanese and Indian schools and, since Christianity is a minority religion in those countries, there is no reason for the people no to accept the facts of evolution. The majority of Muslims do not believe in the Theory of Evolution. Finally, in some underdeveloped countries, many people have not attended high school and are unlikely to understand the concept of evolution nor have an opinion on it.Overall, the majority of people who have attended high school would believe in evolution.For more information, please visit:

How many people believe in the theory of evolution?

When the evolutionary theory was first proposed, people didn't believe it. Often, religion and evolution contradict themselves and even today, there are many people who favor creationism over evolution.