

Why do people use IM slang?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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One major function of slang is to identify the speaker with a group he aspires to belong to. Hence thieves use thieves cant, londoners use cockney riming slang, homosexuals use polari (or used to), and barristers and solicitors share a peculiar dialect they acquire while studying for their law degree.

Young people use IM slang because they want to identify themselves as happening and tech-savvy. If their parents started speaking 7337 they would rapidly abandon it (and invent a different patois).

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Anybody can(and will).

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100%. Everyone in the world uses slang.

How many people agree to speak slang in London?

It appears to me that the majority of Londoners use slang.

Are there any famous people who use slang expressions?

Yes, all of them. Everyone uses slang.

Why do people use slang?

It is easy, and plus some people want to use slang so that their parents or anyone else doesn't know what they are talking about. It is the same with txt mssgng (text messaging) as people are so lazy that they cn't even use vwls anymore!It is also indicative of a poor vocabulary and difficulty of sef-expresion. Slang has a place in social situations , but if you want a good job, learn and use proper English in the workplace.I'm from Scotland. Slang is a part of our culture. most people who live in other countries we speak slang..we're really just speaking Scottish dialect to some extent, the majority of it is slang though.>i agree i use slang alot and cuz off that its effctin my English im usin it now cuz im used to it but its come into everyday ppls lives and yes i will carry on usin it as a matter of habit tho i shudnt !!!!!Also it is used by teenagers to act like they are cool! It draws attention to people and it is like another language which adults can't read or understand!Bc they don't know how to say the right words!

Do people still use Australian slang?

Australians do!

When did Americans start to use slang?

People have used slang since the dawn of time. There was slang every since cave men but it wasn't slang it was the pronounciation for thier words.

How has slang changed over time?

Slang changes with vocabulary and the times, much of it coming from the military of all countries