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because they have high haemoglobin for maintenance of oxygen in body

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Q: Why do people who live at high altitudes have rosy cheeks?
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Is it possible to have naturally thick blood?

People who live in high altitudes (where there is less oxygen available) have more red blood cells to carry oxygen than people who live in lower altitudes (where there is more oxygen available), so their blood is thicker.

What animals live at high altitudes?

There are actually many animals that live in high altitudes. some are:elkdeerantelopebunniesjackrabbitsprairie dogsground squirrelsgray squirrelsferretsfoxescoyotebadgersrattlesnakeshawksfalconseaglesother kinds of birds

Which race has the smallest feet?

people that live in really high altitudes with smaller body frames to adjust to the tempertures and low air

How do mountain goats breathe in high altitudes?

Mountain goats are born and live their whole lives in high altitudes, so they are used to breathing the thin air and it isn't a problem for them.

Does a yak live in the coastal plains?

The Yak is a high altitude dweller and can survive at altitudes of 20,000 feet

The amount of oxygen in the air decreases as altitude increases as you are higher up in the mountains how do people who live in these types of evironments get enough oxygen?

People that live in high altitudes have adapted to being able to live comfortably with less oxygen in the air. This phenomenon is known as full hematological adaptation.

Why do athletes who live at sea level and then compete at higher altitudes often don't perform as well as those who permanently live at high altitudes?

The simple answer is oxygen starvation. The best athletes train at the higher altitudes because that is where the air is thinner. This forces the human body to work harder, just to expend equivalent energy. People that climb Mt. Everest often suffer from 'altitude sickness' due their lack of conditioning.

How can high altitudes produce more blood cells?

People who live in higher altitudes have better lung capacity then those at sea level because the air is thinner at higher altitudes so more needs to be drawn in at a time. People who are born on a very hign mountain or plain also produce more red blood cells, to gather more oxygen, than people at sea level.

Why do people who live in the altiplanos have large chests and lungs?

People who live and work on these altiplanos have developed powerful lungs. Their lungs enlarge in order to absorb the small amount of oxygen available at the high altitudes. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU MY FRIENDS PLZ GIVE ME A GOOD REPORT😜

How tall is the average Sherpa male?

Sherpas are a Nepalese people who live at high altitudes. The average height of a Nepalese adult male is just under 5 foot 6 inches, or just under 167 centimeters. Sherpas, being a high-altitude Himalayan people, are likely an inch or two shorter than the average Nepalese male due to the physiology necessary to make their bodies more efficient at higher altitudes.

Do your but cheeks talk?

yes they do you see some time in a but cheeks live they get lonley and need company

Does the troposphere have oxygen?

Oh yes. The troposphere is the lowest level of the atmosphere, the level that we live and breathe in, and it does have lots of oxygen in it, until you get to very high altitudes.