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One of the first signs of pregnancy is a late period. If you're sexually active and have a late period, then it is worthwhile to take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, Happy Mothers Day! Otherwise consider the following: If you have a late period and a negative pregnancy test, then consider whether or not you've recently been sick, gained or lost a significant amount of weight, have been under excessive stress or have taken any new medications. All of these things can affect your menstrual cycle and cause you to have irregular periods.

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12y ago

Your question is formed using the word "girl". Many young girls can start having periods at the young age of 12 to 14 years; some even younger. Also, "girls" [upon starting their periods] can take months, or even a few years, for their body's to adjust and start what is considered a 'normal menstruation cycle' of [approximately] every 28 days. Another, quite possibly could be due to physical activity, such as school sports. Finally, your question seems to be a [very very] real concern. Therefore, as a totally nonprofessional, yet the father of 4 girl's, my recommendation would be to have her seen by an MD, OB/GYN; for a complete professional examination. As they say; "better safe than sorry". Hope this reminder does help.

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Because they are immoral and have sexual intercourse outside of a loving relationship with God and their spouse.

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Q: Why do periods sometimes come late?
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You are still a vigrin and you havent come on your period yet and im 6 days lateS?

periods are annoying things sometimes and just come late or early for no good reason. Stress and sudden weight loss or gain can also attribute to loss of periods.

Do you get better positive results after at least 4 weeks late on your period?

Well your periods don't always come the exact time.. sometimes when your stress your period would stop then the next month it would come back again. Getting your periods late for 4 weeks don't really matter actually, if your period don't come then that's a problem.

What can be the reason that your periods are delayed?

Your period can be late for a few reasons. The obvious reason is because you are pregnant, but it can also be late if you are very stressed, or if you have been on any antibiotics lately. And sometimes, periods are just late for no reason.

Your periods was 6 weeks late could you be pregnant?

my periods was 6 weeks late and i light periods could i be pregrant

Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

I got my periods late this month but when they started they were normal they stopped in 4 days and now on the 10th and 11th day i see heavy spotting again is it normal?

Sometimes hey have their periods interupted.

Can you still be pregnant if you get your period after being late for 1 month and you have no cramps?

You might not be pregnant, you know. Sometimes it's regular for your periods to be irregular.

What is reson women periods come late?

your period may be late if you are pregnant

When you going to come?

at 5:00, but sometimes I'm late so don't get mad

What if your period was supposed to come on the 16th and it hasn't come yet?

It most likely will come. Periods don't have clocks attached and many things can cause a period to be late several days. If you have been sick or under stress this can cause a late period. It will happen.

Enlarge breast late periods no pain in nipples could you be pregnant?

late periods is not the sign of pregnancy but no period is. enlarged breast are signs seen before periods.

Period is one day late?

If you're at risk for pregnancy, you can take a pregnancy test. If not, don't worry. It's unusual for periods to come at such a rigid schedule that you'd never be a day "late."