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Since plant cells have cell walls, the osmotic pressure that results from their being in a hypotonic solution will not be as likely to cause the cell to lyse. Animal cells simply swell until they lyse.

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12y ago
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11y ago

In animal cells, when the water enters the cell(through osmosis) the pressure within the cell builds until it finally bursts.

Example: A balloon filled with so much water that it bursts.

Plant cells have cell walls so the cell membrane is not the only thing experiencing the pressure of water entering the cell. The cell wall acts as a backbone to contain the cell, thus preventing it from bursting.

Example: A water-filled balloon in a cardboard box.

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12y ago

Well, a hypotonic condition is where water from the outside is diffused into the cell. A hypertonic condition is where water is diffused out of the cell and into the surrounding liquid or solution. So, to answer your question, plant cells do better in hypotonic conditions because when water is diffused into cells, the cells get larger and get packed tight. When a plant cell is in a hypertonic condition, the plant cell's lose water and are packed less tightly often resulting in wilting.

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13y ago

The strong peptidoglycan cell wall, of course. Rather the same with plants and their cell walls.

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Q: Why do plant cell function better in hypotonic conditions better than in hypertonic conditions?
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