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Symbiotic relationship, the anemone protects the fish from predators because of its stinging tentacles and the fish will return to the anemone with food to eat and spill some into the anemone which feeds it. The fish is protected by a slimy coat which stops it becoming anemone food.

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Q: Why do sea anemone and a damselfish live together?
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How can clown fish and anemone live together?

The symbiotic relationship between the damselfish and the sea anenomie is that the anenomie provides protection for the damselfish because of the poisonous nature of the anenomie that the damselfish is immune to, and at the same time the damselfish helps provide a food source for the anenomie due to food scraps the damselfish leaves behind.

How does a sea anemone defend itself?

Its tentacles have stinging cells that can kill fish. Clown fish, and some damselfish, live in a symbiotic relationship with the anemones and can avoid becoming their prey.

What is the sea anemones habitat?

an ocean habitat

What does an clown fish live in?

in a sea anemone

What anemones do clown fish live in?

sea anemone

Does the clown fish live in the sea anemone?

Yes they do!

Where do sea anemone live?

they live under water probably like open seas

Evolution for sea anemone?

i billion years ago, the sea anemone started to grow out of my brother's butt, then he pinched them off into the ocean where they to live and reproduce.

Why is a sea anemone called a sea anemone?

It is called a "sea anemone" because it is a flower-like animal (anemone being a variety of flower) that lives in the sea.

What is a clown fish diet?

Clownfish live in a symbiotic relationship with a Sea Anemone. They eat undigested bits and pieces that could possibly harm the sea anemone. Then the anemone eats the harmless faeces of the Clownfish.

Where do clowns live?

If you are asking about the "Nemo" type clown or anemone fish, they live in the tropical coral reefs with or around a sea anemone in a symbiotic relationship.

How deep can a sea anemone live?

163 meters under water