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Because they don't need to. The operative term here is single celled...single celled organisms cannot survive if they specialize at the same level as a cell in a multicellular organism. Now it can breathe but it can't eat

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tati gooo

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bcoz they do yaara

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Q: Why do single celled organisms do not need complex structures for gas exchange?
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The reason single celled organisms were do dominant was because they were the least complex creatures. As single-celled organisms evolve into more complex creatures, their requirements also become more complex and it becomes harder for them to survive.

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Cells in celled organisms are?

No, they are called "organelles" in a single celled organism. "Organs" are multi-celled structures with specific functions.

What are the most complex single celled organisms called?

The most complex single-celled organisms are known as eukaryotic microorganisms. These organisms possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, which differentiate them from prokaryotic microorganisms like bacteria. Examples include protists like amoebas and paramecia.

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Kingdom Protista contains complex single-celled organisms.

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One way that single-celled organisms are different from multi-celled organisms is in their complexity. Single-celled organisms consist of just one cell, while multi-celled organisms are made up of multiple cells organized into specialized tissues, organs, and systems. This allows multi-celled organisms to perform more complex functions and have greater structural and functional diversity.

Why did the earliest organims in the fossil record start off single celled?

It took many years of evolution for complex, multi-celled organisms to develop. Single celled organisms were the first that were around to be fossilized.

What is the kingdom of the Eukaryotes?

Kingdom Protista contains complex single-celled organisms.

ARE PLANTS single-celled or many-celled?

Plants are complex organisms and are made up of many different types of cells.

What organisms are covered by tiny locomotory structures that belong to the phylum?

Organisms covered by tiny locomotory structures belonging to the phylum Ciliophora are known as ciliates. These structures, called cilia, are hair-like projections that allow ciliates to move and feed. Ciliates are single-celled organisms found in various aquatic environments and are known for their complex cell structure and diverse behaviors.

What organisms is single-celled?

Simple bacteria consist of a single cell however, there are more complex organisms, known as protoctists. Unlike bacteria, they have complex internal structures, such as nuclei containing organised strands of genetic material called chromosomes. Most are single-celled, but some form colonies, with each cell usually remaining self-sufficient. There's more detailed information here