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Q: Why do some materials conduct and others don't?
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What are the conductors of a circuit?

Everything - it wouldn't conduct at all otherwise. Some materials conduct better than others, like the conducting wires.

Why do some metals conduct heat better than others?

The ability for a metal to conduct heat depends on how the atoms are aligned. Different materials have different bond structures.

Do all materials conduct electricity?

yes all materials conduct electicity , but some are good conductor , some poor and some very poor

What are some materials that conduct?

Some materials that conduct include gold, wood, steel, water, and even copper. Most metals conduct well and are used to carry heat or electricity. Aluminum is another metal that conducts well.

What metals conduct sound?

All metals can conduct sound, but some conduct it a bit better than others.

Which metals do not conduct electricity?

all metals conduct electricity but alumiun doesn't conduct it as well as others all metals conduct electricity but alumiun doesn't conduct it as well as others

Why is it more important to recycle some materials than others?

Some materials, like plastic and paper, are more important to recycle because they take a long time to decompose in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution and resource depletion. Recycling these materials reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to producing them from raw materials. Additionally, recycling materials like electronic waste and hazardous chemicals helps prevent toxic pollution and saves valuable resources.

How do engineered materials differ from natural materials?

Engineered materials can differ from natural materials in many ways. Engineered ones are made for specific purposes, some to have more tensile strenght like steel and kevlar, others to be more ductil like the elastomers, others to resist to higher temperatures like the ceramics on the space shuttle, others to conduct electricity like silicon based transistors, and so on. They also differ on composition. Engineered materials can be a mix of natural materials (and by this i mean that occur in the nature without human intervention) and man-made, or only man-made materials.

Why do some materials conduct electricity?

Some materials conduct electricity because they have free electrons that can move easily through the material when a voltage is applied. These free electrons carry the electric current. Examples of materials that conduct electricity well include metals like copper and aluminum.

Can phosphorus conduct heat?

Yes, but not very well. All substances can conduct heat, but some are better than others.

Elemets that conduct heat and electricity well?

Metals, although some conduct heat & electricity better than others.

What elements are nonconducting?

if you mean the conduction of electricity then.... all non-metals do not conduct(excluding carbon which does conduct) all metals conduct although some conduct better than others