

Why do some people order Their cocktail tall?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Tall means the drink is served in a larger glass, with a higher ratio of mixer to alcohol.

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There are some surveys that do suggest tall people have more success in life than shorter people.

Why do people order their cocktails tall?

because they are stupid and want to get drunk and end up with someone

Why are you so tall you are 6ft6 and only 16?

it just depends on your genes. If your parents are tall you will most likely be tall as well but it also depends on when you hit puberty - some people are small for a long time and suddenly shoot up and are very tall, yet some people are already tall and don't grow much more.

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5'7. But for some reason some people say he's 5'9

How tall is Rachel Perez?

There are many people by the name of Rachel Perez in the United States and in the world.Ê In order to determine how tall she is, more information is needed on who she is.ÊÊ