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Teachers give out the assignments that they think are going to help you learn the material best. If your teacher is giving more homework than the other classes, you might talk to them - politely! - and show them what other assignments you have so they can think about giving fewer pages.

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Q: Why do some teachers give 5 pages of homework?
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Do you get homework in kindergarden?

Some teachers do give simple homework that can be done in only a few minutes.

How much homework by law is a teacher allowed to give a student a night?

There is no specific law that dictates the amount of homework a teacher can assign. However, the general guideline is that students should have a reasonable amount of homework that is aligned with their grade level and age, and promotes learning rather than overwhelming them. Ultimately, the amount of homework should be manageable and reasonable for students to complete within a reasonable timeframe.

Why do teachers give such hard homework?

It's designed to help you learn the material better. Try some of the Related Questions to help you get the hang of doing homework easier.

Do teachers give their students good grades because they like them?

Teachers are supposed to give their students grades based on how they perform in class and on homework. While some teachers may in fact play "favorites", this cannot be said of all teachers, or even a large majority.

What do teachers make students do in detention?

In detention, teachers may make students complete assigned work, reflect on their behavior, write an apology letter, or perform other tasks designed to help them understand and learn from their actions. The goal is typically to encourage responsibility and prevent future rule violations.

Are teachers allowed to give you homework on fcat days?

it depends on your school. some charter schools DO assign students hw, but most don't.

How much homework do children get per year?

There is no specific number, as some kids have teachers who don't believe in getting homework while others have teachers who believe in giving homework every night.

Why do teachers assign homework if some students don't do it?

Teachers may be required by the school district to give homework. Usually it is 10 minutes per grade level.

Do teachers want homework to get banned?

Some might, but the vast majority of teachers understand that homework is an important part of the learning process. They would not want it to be banned.

Does every 6th grader have a lot of homework?

most do but some teachers just don't believe in homework

Is there an expert opinion on do kids have enough amounts of homework?

There haven't been any studies, but most kids have enough homework. Some teachers do give too much work, and that's hard on the kids to finish in time. But most teachers do understand that kids have other classes, and try not to give out too much work.

How do you get an homework pass?

It should be called a "No Homework" pass. Some teachers allow teachers to earn them for good behavior. Students are able to redeem these and not have to complete a homework assignment.