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They are that colour because they absorb the complimentary colours of light.

They have developed it through evolution to blend them in to their surroundings to make it harder for predators to see them.

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11y ago

To help them blend into the grassy plains so predators don't eat them. (CAMOUFLAGE)

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Q: Why do tapirs have stripes when they are young?
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What are tapirs young called?

young tapirs are called calves.

How do tapirs look after their young?

one at a time and live

When does a young zebra get its stripes?

when it's young

What is a tapirs favourt food?

Fruit, berries and leaves, young tender shoots

What is the tapirs favorite food?

Fruit, berries, leaves and young tender shoots

What is cool of tapirs?

Tapirs are cool because their noses move up and down when they talk, I mean, when they eat. And the babies look like little watermelons on legs with all of their cute little stripes. And they make lovely little squeaks and chirps and they moop!

How are tapirs' young cared for?

They are cared by there mother and if they are abandon then they will be cared for by there father which usually might not happen

Do tapirs colours change when older?

They're born with stripes and spots, and eventually they go away. Leaving usually solid grey, or black. With white patches in some places.

Do boa constrictors eat tapirs?

No, Tapirs are herbivores, Jaguars and Anaconda are the tapirs predators.

Who starred in both Blade Runner and Stripes?

Sean Young

Can harpy eagles eat tapirs?

Unlikely. Harpy eagles hunt prey that live in the trees, and tapirs stay on the ground. Besides, even a fairly young tapir would be too big to be a realsitic target for a harpy eagle.

Sean Young made her big screen debut in which films?
