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tectonic plates move against each other essentially because of the movement of molten rock underneath the earth's surface or crust. This movement causes the plates to rub against each other.

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Q: Why do tectonic plates move against each other?
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Related questions

What events occur when the tectonic plates move and grind against each other?

When tectonic plates move and grind against each other, this is an earthquake. If the moving of tectonic plates were to occur beneath the ocean's surface, the result would be a tsunami.

Why are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes located at the border of the tectonic plates?

Beacause plates, at tectonic, boundaries shift against each other.

How do Japan get earthquake?

The tectonic plates near it rubbed against each other.

What would happen if tectonic plates glided against each other?

A small earthquake

What happens when two tectonic plates oush against each other?

it would brake

What is a kind of force that gets exerted as tectonic plates push against each other?


How do eathquakeaccur?

tectonic plates under the earth's crust collide or rub against each other

A kind of force that gets exerted as tectonic plates push against each other?

This answer is popstres

How do earthquakes occur on planet earth?

the tectonic plates of the earth move and scrape against each other

What do tectonic plates move?

Tectonic Plates move by trying to push past each other and by trying to slide past each other.

What Are Plates Sliding Against Each Other Called?

I think you're referring to tectonic plates, there are 3 ways one is convergent boundary, divergent, and transform. Plates that slide against each other are called transform boundary's. And your welcome

What is formed when crustal plates move toward each other?

when tectonic plates move toward each othe forms