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I assume you are probably thinking about Christmas lights or something of the sort. The bulbs in many of these appliances are attached in parallel. This means that the current generated by the load is split into different paths, each path servicing one bulb. This is done so if one of the bulbs breaks, or shorts out, current will still be able to flow through the other lights. Think of it like this. Say your school had one corridor, and all the students had to pass through that corridor to change classes. Say that corridor was blocked for some reason. No one would be able to go through the corridor. Everyone would be stuck, and there would be no flow of students. If we imagine the same scenario, this time your school has 1o corridors. If one of them gets blocked, everyone just repositions their paths and goes through one of the remaining nine corridors.

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6y ago

In a parallel circuit, in this case the electrons still have a complete circuit. For example, if it is a DC circuit, the electrons can still go from the negative terminal of a battery, pass through the bulb thatis not unscrewed, and continue to the positive terminal in the battery.

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6y ago

In a parallel circuit, if one circuit goes off , other circuits still remain in circuit.

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What happens if one bulb burns out on a parallel circuit?

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Either the bulb is bad or a previous owner disconnected it because it would not go out with the vehicle running. hOW DO YOU GET TO THE BULB??

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When you turn off a light, you are breaking the circuit that allows electricity to flow through the light bulb, causing the light bulb to turn off. The electricity in the circuit is still present and will continue to flow until the power source is disconnected or turned off.

What happens to the light bulbs when one is disconnected?

It depends on the light bulbs. Some will all go out once one is disconnected and only that one that got disconnected will go out.

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Yes. A typical light bulb socket is an open circuit when the bulb is removed, thus blocking the flow of current and turning off the remaining bulb. The removed bulb would go out too, of course. It is possible to imagine a bulb socket that reverts to a closed circuit when the bulb is removed. In that case, the remaining bulb would remain lit.

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