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its faster than the slow kind

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Q: Why do they call it quicksand when you sink slowly?
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Why do they call it quicksand if you sink slow?

The term "quicksand" is a bit misleading. While it may appear that sinking is slow, it is actually quite difficult to escape once you are trapped in it. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink, hence the danger of being stuck in quicksand.

Will a camera sink in quicksand?

Anything with weight and mass will sink in quicksand.

What do you call a deep soft sand with wet water which animals can sink in?


What do you call four bullfighters stuck in quicksand?

"Quatro cinco!" (The Spanish numbers 4 and 5, here suggesting the four "sink-o" in the quicksand.)

Why do heavy objects sink in quicksand?

objects sink in quicksand because they are so heavy they make a bigger hole in the sand,they go faster objects sink in quicksand because they are so heavy they make a bigger hole in the sand,they go faster

What is the biggest object to sink in quicksand?


What happens when you're under quicksand?

The quicksand slowly pulls you down or as in other says it eats you slowly...but thats just a myth

How long does it take to sink in quicksand?

You don't sink below the surface of quicksand. You sink down to a certain point depending on the density of the quicksand and get stuck there, unable to get out because you can't get the traction to move. After that, if there is no one there to help you out you die of thirst. Or if you are in coastal areas affected by tide, you drown. Or the crabs start to eat you alive. But whatever happens you don't sink all the way because quicksand is heavier then you are.

How big can a animal be to die in quicksand?

it depends on how deep the quicksand is if it is inches deep the animals will sink 2 inches if it is 50 feet deep the animal will sink 50 feet

Is people and animals can sink in quicksand a fact or fantasy?


Is quicksand chemistry?

Quicksand involves water cohesion and density. You sink in quicksand because you are more dense than the sand-water mixture. No chemical reactions are involved.

Why do girls love to sink on quicksand?

I won't just stand, watch, and let a girl drown in a quicksand. Either my ex...(maybe)