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it can harm the animals and then the water can become dirty which is what we drink. so we need to make it clean

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13y ago
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14y ago

People shouldn't put trash in the ocean because fish could eat the trash and it could kill them or make them very sick. Hope I helped.

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11y ago

Because we have no other place to dump non bio degradable trash. Our landfills our filled.

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15y ago

because there stubid

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11y ago

because the people dont care the trash

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10y ago

Why do people throw rubbish in the sea

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11y ago

because they are to lazy to go to the bin

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Cause they feel like it

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3y ago

because nothing

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Q: Why do they dump trash into the ocean?
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How trash ends up in the ocean?

People, known as litter bugs, don't care for the enviroment in the sea, so they would randomly dump trash into sewers that lead to the ocean or in the ocean

What causes people to dump their waste in the ocean?

People might litter in the oceans because there is not bins to throw the trash away.

Where is legal to dump plastic trash in the ocean?

There isn't one , since they passed the law that it was currently illegal. Recycle it instead

What are dump trucks typically used for?

Dump trucks are typically used to either bring trash to the dump or to take trash from the local dump to a waste deposit. They are also sometimes used to carry recycled material.

How does trash get into the ocean?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

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Where does Russia dump its trash?

blaine Norman

Could you melt trash?

Most trash gets melted at a place called the dump.

What is ocean garbage?

Any trash we have can end up in the ocean. Anything from toys to water bottles to plastic bags are out there floating around in the sea. Even cruise ships are aloud to dump their trash straight into the ocean as long as it is the size of a penny, or smaller. The trash is then eaten by an ocean animal, causes a blockage in that poor animals system, and then the animal dies. Another animal may eat the first one, ingesting the trash from the last one, die and so forth in a viscious circle.

Where is ocean trash?

in the ocean....

What can I use as a cigarette butt trash can at home?

An empty coffee can. dump your butts in and put the lid on. empty into trash on trash day.

What is illegal to dump in the ocean?

Everything. The ocean is not your personal trash can, it's a home to animals, which help feed you and keep you alive and help create oxygen. Not only this but people are fined thousands of dollars($50,000 fine + possible criminal penalties of $100,000) for dumping trash off. Respect the Earth and the animals.