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Ligaments in the toes respond to serotonin released during coitus. Contraction is a involuntary response to this process.

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Q: Why do toes curl during sex?
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Why do your toes curl when your foot is tickled?

Why does your toes curl when the foot is tickled?because your feet and your toes are connetced to the same muscle and when the foot is tickled the toes automaticaly curl up .:)

What rhymes with makes your toes curl?


How do you know when a girl gets off?

the toes curl, a slight redding of the chest, and sometimes a release of clear fluid or urine, but the toes curling is a dead give away, as it is something you can not control during orgasm.

What is a foot felish?

it is when during sex you like to suck on people's toes and it is a fetish not a felish.

Why does toes curl up or down when foot is tickled?

When your foot is tickled, the sensory nerves in your skin send signals to your brain that trigger a reflex response in your muscles. This reflex causes your toes to curl either up or down as a protective response to the tickling sensation.

Which tendon allows to curl the ends of toes?

The flexor digitorum longus tendon allows for curling the ends of the toes. It originates in the calf and runs down the back of the leg to connect to the underside of the toes, enabling flexion at the toe joints.

Why do my toes curl when I point my feet?

Your toes are curling because it is your bodies natural way of trying to point your feet farther. If it makes you feel any better my feet do it too.

Why does your cat curl up in such a tight ball when he sleeps?

because it is dreaming of sex

How do you give amazing sex?

drop your pants and touch your toes

What is hammered toes?

Hammer toes are a foot deformity where the middle joint of the toe bends abnormally. This causes the toe to curl or buckle, resembling a hammer. It can be painful and may be caused by wearing tight shoes or muscle imbalances.

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What is kinky toe sex?

it is where use use your toes to have sex eg male uses a toe to replace dick