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Because they have a beak instead, so they don't need any.

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Q: Why do tortoise doesn't have teeth?
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How many teeth has a tortoise?

No tooth has a tortoise.

How did the tortoise lose its teeth?

It had a jaw-breaker!

How Didi the tortoise lose its teeth?


What is a tortoise defense weapon?

it has its teeth and its shell

How did tortoise lose its teeth?

It had a jaw-breaker!

How tortoise lose its teeth?

Tortoises never have any teeth to lose. They are born with horny beaks instead of teeth.

How many teeth does a tortoise have?

None. They have a hard beak that they use to eat with.

Y does Dylan have yellow teeth?

HE doesnt brush his teeth!!

Why doesnt Bella Thorne show her teeth when she smiles?

she does show her teeth in pictures

How many teeeth dor tortoise have?

Turtles and tortoises don't have any teeth. They have a beak instead.

Why do tortoise have flat teeth?

They are vegetarians, so they need flat teeth to grind up leaves and other plants, carnivore animals need sharp teeth to rip apart meat.

Do teeth make you have cancer?

um im pretty sure it doesnt, i have teeth and i dont have cancer so....