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The Bunsen burner is left at the safety flame when not in use to prevent accidents and ensure safety in the laboratory. The safety flame is a small, blue flame that is less likely to cause a fire if it accidentally comes into contact with flammable materials.

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Q: Why do we leave the bunsun bearner at the safety flame?
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What is another name for the safety flame?

The safety flame is also known as the pilot light.

Which flame on a Bunsen burner is used to heat chemicals?

The inner blue flame, also known as the "safety flame," is used to heat chemicals in a Bunsen burner. This flame is the hottest and most efficient part of the flame, providing a precise and controlled heat source for various laboratory processes.

Why does the airhole have to be closed when lighting a Bunsen burner?

Because if the air hole was wide open, the flame will be blue, which is going to be really hot so you have to leave it at a safety yellow flame which is when the air hole is closed when lit. It could be dangerous to leave a Bunsen burner on a blue flame. this is confusing, explain more clearly, geez is dat too much to ask?

Why can you hold your fingers beside the candle flame without being harmful but not above the flame?

Beside the flame the heat you experience is that heat being radiated as light - if you hold your finger too close or leave it too long, you will get harmed! Beside the flame the air is cool as cool air is being sucked into the flame. However above the flame the hot gases produced by the combustion of the wax in the flame are rising upward by convection. These hot gasses will heat you skin by conduction and you will be burned very quickly.

Why is black soot formed when the flame is luminous?

The black deposit produced represents soot particles, heated to incandescence. It comes about when the combustion of air is insufficient.

Related questions

What can you use a safety flame for?

When you have to leave your Bunsen burner but need to keep it alight.

What is another name for the safety flame?

The safety flame is also known as the pilot light.

Why should you leave a Bunsen burner with the air hole closed?

Because if the air hole was wide open, the flame will be blue, which is going to be really hot so you have to leave it at a safety yellow flame which is when the air hole is closed when lit. It could be dangerous to leave a Bunsen burner on a blue flame. this is confusing, explain more clearly, geez is dat too much to ask?

What safety percaustions do you take when doing an experiment that involoves an open flam e?

When working with an open flame, always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety goggles and a lab coat. Work in a well-ventilated area, keep flammable materials away from the flame, and have a fire extinguisher or a fire blanket nearby in case of emergencies. Never leave the flame unattended and always extinguish it properly after use.

Why should you leave the Bunsen burner with the air hole closed?

Because if the air hole was wide open, the flame will be blue, which is going to be really hot so you have to leave it at a safety yellow flame which is when the air hole is closed when lit. It could be dangerous to leave a Bunsen burner on a blue flame. this is confusing, explain more clearly, geez is dat too much to ask?

Why do you need to know witch flame is nosier on a Bunsen burner?

Knowing which flame is noisier on a Bunsen burner can indicate potential safety concerns. A noisy flame can be a sign of improper gas flow or air mixture, which could lead to incomplete combustion and the production of harmful byproducts like carbon monoxide. Monitoring the noise level of the flame can help maintain safe and efficient operations in a laboratory setting.

When you are not using a Bunsen burner but wish to leave the flame on you should always leave the air hole closed why?

It is less hot

Why did the Phoenicians leave Phoenicia?

for safety reasons

What are some sentences using the word flame?

The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset.

Why should you leave a lighted Bunsen with the air hole closed?

Because if the air hole was wide open, the flame will be blue, which is going to be really hot so you have to leave it at a safety yellow flame which is when the air hole is closed when lit. It could be dangerous to leave a Bunsen burner on a blue flame. this is confusing, explain more clearly, geez is dat too much to ask?

Why should you turn a Bunsen burner to a yellow flame if you need to leave it?

The yellow flame is more visible - making it easier for others to see. It's also a colder flame than the blue conical one.

What happen to the flame that come from the sun?

It vanishes and forms another, but it doesn't leave the sun.