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Q: Why do werewolves hate crosses?
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Are werewolves scared of crosses?

No, only vampires are said to be scared of crosses, but there is no record of werewolves being scared of crosses.

Why do werewolves hate the vampires in new moon the book?

werewolves and vampires are born enemies its in there blood to hate vampires

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What do werewolfs hate?

Well, werewolves are myths. So technically they can't hate anything.

Do werewolves hate vampiers?

Type your answer here... yes they do

Do werewolves hate people?

Werewolves don't exist. They are fictional characters. They are usually portrayed as dangerous and evil and with a desire to eat people.

Who are the werewolf's enemies?

Well, werewolves usually loathe vampires, and vise-versa, but some werewolves will hate humans if they have had a bad experience with them or for no apparent reason.

What is with the werewolf hate?

the main reason people do not like werewolves is because they fear us

What do werewolves hate most?

sunlight. the way it sees it makes it go away sreeming

When werewolves and vampire crosses what is the result?

According to Twilight, theres a fight er something......I guess...xD I dunno...quite honestly um..nevermind... But anyway, if your talking about twilight, then yeah they hate each other er something. I heard that they were friends but then something, er I dunno...

What are werewolves' enemies?

Werewolves only have one fear...Vampires.Vampires are flesh eating animals.They are not trusted by anyone but there on kind.If you are a werewolf mark your territory and let them know your werewolves,be proud of what you are.werewolves enimies are humans and vampires they hate them and they would rip them up and eat them.

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