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There's a process called gas exchange which takes place in the lungs: put simply, both oxygen & carbon dioxide are transported around the body in the blood stream; when the blood reaches the lungs it does a trade - swapping waste CO2 (a by-product of the cellular respiration which is constantly going on in every cell in your body) for oxygen in the air you've just breathed in. So the air you breathe out contains that waste gas, plus the proportion of CO2 that was already in your last breath in.

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yes as CO2 is a waste product of body it is exhaled more then air

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Q: Why do you breathe out more carbon dioxide than you breathe in?
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What gas is formed during respiration?

The gas that is formed during respiration is carbon dioxide. Humans breathe in a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although, only oxygen is used. When humans exhale they release all of the nitrogen and more carbon dioxide than was inhaled.

In the lungs is carbon dioxide more concentrated in the alveoli or in the blood?

In the lungs, carbon dioxide is concentrated more in the blood. The alveoli keeps the carbon dioxide at a lower level than in the blood.

What is the difference between air you breathe in and air breathe out?

The air you breathe in is called oxygen (O2)which is contained in the air. The air we breathe out is called carbon dioxide (CO2). The air you breathe in is called oxygen (O2) Which is contained in the air. The air we breathe out is called carbon dioxide (CO2) We breathe carbon dioxide out because our body makes it.

Why does exhaled air turn limewater chalky faster than inhaled water?

carbon dioxide turns lime water chalky. the more carbon dioxide, the faster the limewater turns chalky. Exhaled air contains carbon dioxide waste from the bodies organs, and that's why it contains more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.

Why do people breathe in carbon dioxide when they are hyperventilating?

Actually, when people hyperventilate, they loose carbon dioxide. The old way of treating a person who is hyperventilating is to breathe into a paper bag. This is no longer recommended, unless your doctor tells you to do so. Hyperventilation causes your body to expel too much carbon dioxide and that can change the pH level in the blood and cause metabolic problems. Since hyperventilation is mostly a psychological problem than a physiological problem, the best treatment is to is to stay calm and practice breathing slowly and not too deeply.

Related questions

Why do we breathe out more carbon dioxide than you breathe in?

because we are human beings

How you breathe in air?

you breathe in something called oxygen and then breathe out something called carbon dioxide. Inside your body the oxygen gets running through your blood vessels ans heart and muscles. then even though you breathe in a bit of carbon dioxide- you breathe more out than in! :)

Do humans inhale carbon dioxide?

Humans breathe in whatever happens to be in the air when they breathe in. If there is carbon dioxide then they will breathe it in as well as nitrogen and oxygen. However they only use the oxygen for respiration so they breathe out everything else with extra carbon dioxide.

What goes into our nose when we breath?

When we inhale through the nose, we breathe in oxygen and some carbon dioxide. When we exhale, there is more carbon dioxide than oxygen. This is because the oxygen is absorbed and converted by the lungs into carbon dioxide.

What gas is formed during respiration?

The gas that is formed during respiration is carbon dioxide. Humans breathe in a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although, only oxygen is used. When humans exhale they release all of the nitrogen and more carbon dioxide than was inhaled.

Is carbon dioxide than air?

Carbon dioxide is more dense than air.

How is the air you breathe in and the air you breathe out different?

The air you breathe out has different amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and a few other substances in it than the air you breathed in. Your lungs absorb a lot of the oxygen, for example, which is then carried by red blood cells to your heart and muscles. Your body also produces carbon dioxide as a kind of waste product which is in the air you breathe out. So the air you breathe out has less oxygen but more carbon dioxide than the air you breathed in did. There are also other smaller changes that you could look up.

Do you breathe mostly carbon dioxide?

No, air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with very very little carbon dioxide (less than 1%)What you exhale is mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and some carbon dioxide.

Is there more carbon dioxide in air or your breath?

After you breathe air IN, your body uses some (but not all) of the oxygen in it. A lot of that oxygen that your body uses get converted to carbon dioxide, and it's added to the air that you breathe out. So your exhaled air has a greater concentration of carbon dioxide than fresh air has.

Is there more carbon dioxide in Pepsi or 7up?

it has more carbon dioxide in 7up because it is stronger than a pepsi and if you look at a bottle you will see that it has more carbon dioxide

Is carbon dioxide dense or more dense than air?

Carbon Dioxide is less denser than air.

Does the nose release carbon dioxide when it breathes out?

Exhaled breath has a higher concentration of carbon dioxide than inhaled air has. This is true whether you breathe through the nose or the mouth.