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There are several in the body. You are asking about the one attached to the colon (digestive tract)? This one is often called the vermiform appendix because it looks like a worm.

There are several ideas why we have these. Some say this is "left over" as we evolved. Others say that it is important in the way that the immune system works. The last group thinks that important and helpful bacteria are found here and repopulate the intestine after many are killed during an infection. No final conclusion has been reached.

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The appendix is called a vestigial organ partly because for a long time people thought that it does not perform any function in the body. It now is known however, that it is of major importance in the immune system, for example in recognising and preparing to deal with invading microbes. It also seems to be of importance in providing a seed culture of microbes to re-populate the colon after incidental major disturbances of the colon flora. It has been reduced through evolution, probably together with the reduction of the caecum.

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it is because the functions that it has are not very significant to the human body

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