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Fossil fuels have proved to be a very convenient source of energy for a number of purposes. Now it could be pointed out that certain inconvenient side-effects are taking place, which is true (as Al Gore pointed out in his movie, An Inconvenient Truth). But still fossil fuels are an abundant and easily available source of energy. They have been addictively convenient.

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Q: Why do you depend so much on fossil fuels?
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Related questions

How would fossil fuels change in the future?

The fossil fuels will become extinct in some years.There is no future of fossil fuels.That is why there is so much research going on the alternate fuels.

How do fossil fuels relate to the destruction of forest by Acid Rain?

yes very much so it comes from burning fossil fuels

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Why do you continue to use fossil fuels for so much of your everyday needs?

bing it

Is fossil fuels clean or dirty?

fossil fuels are oil and stuff like that, so they are dirty

How does how fossil fuels produce electricity or fuel?

Fossil fuels produce electricity when they are burned to make steam or smoke which turns generators to make electricity. But we must be careful that we are not burning too much fossil fuels so that we will run out one day. :)

Should you worry about fossil fuels running out and why?

yes. there is only so many fossil fuels in the earth

What Do you make from fossil fuels?

Car gas and energy to warm homes, cook food and do so much other stuff. BTW- Fossil Fuels are non-renewable so try to use less electricity!

Is there a car that runs on only fossil fuels?

Gasoline and ordinary diesel fuel are both fossil fuels, so almost all cars run only on fossil fuels.

What happens if you put fossil fuel in a car?

petrol and diesel are fossil fuels so if you put fossil fuels in your car it should run

Is Petroleum limited resources?

Petroleum is called "fossil fuel." Fossil fuels are made after a long time out of decaying organisms. Because it takes so long to create fossil fuels, and because it isn't taking us long to use fossil fuels, they are limited. How much petroleum we have left is unknown, but there is a limit.

What were fossil fuels used for?

fossil fuels are used for powering cars, radio, lights so basically anything that involves electricity.