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Static electricity .

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Q: Why do you hear crackling sound on putting off a sweater?
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What is the crackling sound you hear when diving on coral reefs?

The crackling sounds are usually made by snapping shrimps.

Why do you hear a crackling sound while putting of sweaters during winter?

The crackling sound is caused by static electricity building up between the fabric of the sweater and your body, particularly when the air is dry in the winter. As you remove the sweater, the static electricity discharges, creating the crackling noise.

What kind of sounds do you hear on bonfire night?

On bonfire night, you will likely hear the crackling and popping of the bonfire, fireworks going off in the distance, people laughing and talking, and possibly some music playing.

Why when i move my headset wire I hear a crackling sound?

The crackling sound you hear could be due to a loose connection in the wire or the headphone jack. Movement can cause the wires inside to make intermittent contact, resulting in static or crackling noises. Consider checking the wires for any visible damage or try using a different wire to see if the issue persists.

You run a comb through your hair on a dry autumn day and hear a crackling sound Which terms applies to this phenomenon?

Static electricity

What causes the crackling sound you hear as you wear a cardigan?

The crackling sound is typically caused by static electricity building up between the fabric of the cardigan and your skin, especially in low humidity environments. When the fabrics rub against each other or against your skin, this static electricity is discharged, creating the crackling noise. Using a humidifier or applying a fabric softener can help reduce the occurrence of this sound.

Is it normal to hear your trombone make a popping sound while you play?

Yes the crackling, popping sound means it is time to release the spit using your water key at the end of the slide.

What causes the crackling sound we hear as we wear cardigan?

Small discharges of static electricity (sparks), formed between the fibres of the cardigan and your hair as you pull the garment over your head.

What causes the crackling sound we hear as wear a cardigan?

Small discharges of static electricity (sparks), formed between the fibres of the cardigan and your hair as you pull the garment over your head.

Is something wrong with your ear if you hear a crackling rice-krispie sound when you chew?

It could be fluid in the ear or a problem with the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ - where the jaw attaches to the rest of the skull).

What could you hear in the great fire of London?

The sound of wood crackling as it burned. The sound of air rushing in to replace the oxygen that was being burned and maybe the sound of rats screaming as they tried to escape the fire. The loss of human life was comparatively low considering the scale of the fire.

When turning on the breaker you hear a crackling sound then breaker kicks off?

That sounds like an overload condition, meaning that something on the circuit is drawing too much current and the breaker responds by shutting off.