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It is the most sensually erotic odor in the world.

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Q: Why do you like smelling your wifes nylon feet after she has worn them all day?
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Why does nylon smells like plastic?

Nylon is a type of plastic known for its durability and strength. The characteristic smell you detect when smelling nylon is due to the process used to manufacture the material, which involves heating and molding the polymers that make up nylon. This results in the release of volatile organic compounds that contribute to the plastic-like smell.

Why does nylon smells like plastic on burning?

Nylon is a type of plastic polymer that is derived from petrochemicals. When burned, the chemical bonds within nylon break down, releasing volatile organic compounds that contribute to the plastic-like smell.

Different properties between nylon 6nylon 66?

Nylon 6 has a lower melting point and is more flexible, making it suitable for applications requiring elasticity like textiles. Nylon 66 has a higher melting point and better resistance to heat and chemicals, making it ideal for mechanical parts and industrial uses. Additionally, Nylon 66 has better tensile strength compared to Nylon 6.

What problems do you see with a material like nylon that melts on heating?

One problem with nylon is that it can melt easily when exposed to heat, resulting in potential burning or shrinkage of the material. Additionally, melted nylon can emit toxic fumes that are harmful if inhaled. Lastly, melted nylon can create a mess and be difficult to clean up once it has solidified.

Which is strongest fiber is it cotton wool silk nylon?

Nylon is considered to be the strongest fiber among those listed. It is known for its high tensile strength and durability, making it a popular choice for various applications like clothing, ropes, and industrial materials.

Related questions

Do you like smelling dirty feet?

Yes, I love the smell of stinky feet.

How do you tell your wife you like to smell her nylon feet?

say it while you are in bed

What do regular feet smell like?

They smell like pickled apples trust me i did a feet smelling test and smelt a lot of pickled appled feet ok ok get now

Why do some boys like to smell boys and girls big feet?

It depends on what they prefer, they could like the odd smell to feet, or the possible dusty sting of the odor, basically they like the smell or the act of smelling peoples feet.

Why do women's sweaty nylon feet turn you on?

we don't know "why"'s just something that happens. We like it if the girl is attractive otherwise it's just stinky feet.

What does Carmin Electra's feet smell like?

Carmen Electra is the name of a singer and dancer who got her start working with Prince. Her feet will smell like the soap she used to wash them with which could be floral or clean smelling.

What can you do to stop the buildup of static electric charge as you drag your feet on the carpet?

You can reduce static electric charge buildup by wearing shoes with a conductive sole, using an anti-static spray on the carpet, or grounding yourself by touching a metal object. Regularly grounding yourself by touching a metal doorknob or railing can also discharge the static electricity.

Why does nylon smells like plastic on burning?

Nylon is a type of plastic polymer that is derived from petrochemicals. When burned, the chemical bonds within nylon break down, releasing volatile organic compounds that contribute to the plastic-like smell.

Why does nylon smells like plastic?

Nylon is a type of plastic known for its durability and strength. The characteristic smell you detect when smelling nylon is due to the process used to manufacture the material, which involves heating and molding the polymers that make up nylon. This results in the release of volatile organic compounds that contribute to the plastic-like smell.

Do boys like sweet or strong smelling perfume?

Boys like sweet smelling perfumes.

What does smelling like a rose mean?

The term "smelling like a rose" refers to someone/something that smells nice.

Is a nylon comb insulator?

A nylon comb, like any nylon material will insulate against an electrical flow. However, the nylon comb is also capable of storing a static electricity charge.