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we incubate at 25 degrees Celsius because it is room temperature and it is the best temperature to grow bacteria that lives on objects like the counters, and sinks.

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Q: Why do you put bacteria in an incubator which is 25 degrees Celsius?
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Candling is probably the best technique.

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Fridges from the kitchen are usually set between 37 degrees Fahrenheit and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is equivalent 3 Celsius degrees and 5 Celsius degrees.

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Set the Celsius temperature to 190.5 to equal 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does a candle have the temperature of -2 degrees celsius?

Perhaps if you put it into your refrigerator.

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Two identical blocks of iron one at 10 degrees celsius and the other at 20 degrees celsius are put in contact suppose the cooler block cools to 5 degrees celsius and the warmer block warms to 25?

Violation of 2nd Law

Why is it that temperatures at -40 degrees celsius and Fahrenheit are the same?

There are two reasons for this. The first is that a Fahrenheit degree is smaller than a Celsius degree. Four Celsius degrees is the same size as nine Fahrenheit degrees. The second reason is that 32 degrees Fahrenheit is zero degrees Celsius. If you put those two ideas together you figure out that -40°F = -40°C.

What temperature is the minimum to put your horse in the meadow on howrse?

10 degrees Celsius

How do you calibrate a thermometer?

You first put ice into a cup then add cold water, then stir. You then wait until it is 0 degrees ( which will take about 5 minutes ) then you put the thermometer in and make sure it is 0 degrees celsius. Then boil water and put a thermometer in and make sure it's 100 degrees celsius.

Why do you put water in a chicks incubator?

If you don't put water in an incubator , bad things will happen to your bike , but not while your ridding it .

What is 28 degrees in Celsius put in Fahrenheit?

28 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit.