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All organs of the Fetus are formed during first three months of Pregnancy. So drugs taken during this period have high chances of 'Structural' damage to the Fetus. Afterward 'Functional' damage can occur.So your Doctor will be very careful about drugs given in First Trimester ofPregnancy.

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Because it is still developing or going a process of organeosis, there is a risk of abortion.

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You thought you were pregnant but you got your period are you?

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Because everything she takes will go to the fetus as well.

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During what time do you know you are prgnant?

From the time of your first missed menstrual cycle a pregnancy test should be able to accurately show whether you're pregnant or not. However, even pregnant women can still bleed for a time during their first trimester so if you think you might be pregnant take a test even if you have bleeding at the time your period is due just to be certain.

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= I lost my baby at the end of the third trimester and this was the first miscarriage after two sons the doctor said it is because of a blood clot i am afraid of other pregnancy what do you think? = In: [Edit categories]

Does it matter when you get the first depo shot?

Yes, don't take the first one if you think your pregnant. Wait until you know for sure, then start. Taking it while there is a fetus inside you will kill it and you will abort the pregnancy.

Is it possible for sperm to kill a fetus?

No. Your cervix is tight shut. Nothing should be able to get to the fetus.