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Sparta had a limited democracy where its citizens voted in assembly on matters put before them by the council.

Athens had a radical democracy where the citizens in assembly raised, discussed and voted on matters and the council implemented it.

Athens could afford this as it was living on the proceeds of its empire. When it lost its empire, it also scaled back its democracy, as the people had been misled by politicians into wars, and without the empire to pay, it could not afford the extravagences used to keep the citizens in the style they wanted to award themselves.

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Sparta was a limited democracy - its citizens voted for or against motions put to them in Assembly.

Athens tried an experiment in radical democracy where the citizens themselves brought up, debated and decided on issues.

The 50-year Athenian experiment rested on its empire, from which it extorded the money to maintain its prosperity. With the collapse of this empire, Athens had to live on its own means, and rampant citizen excesses were stifled with more authoritarian direction by the council.

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Q: What was one way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta?
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What were similarities and difference between Athens and Sparta?

Sparta and Athens had many differences and similarities in their government. Only a few Greek city-states had kings. Sparta had two kings, usually cousins or brothers. One would stay home and the other would go off to fight wars. Athens created the first democratic system and many other city-states copied them. Athenian democracy did not give power to everyone. Most of the people in Athens couldn't vote, including women, slaves, foreigners, and children.

How was the life of citizens of Athens more free and open than life of citizens of Sparta?


Which way was life different in Athens than Sparta?

life in athens was focused on education while life in sparta was focused on the military

What are the main characteristics of Athens and Sparta?

Sparta had a more militaristic state than Athens. Sparta had all men training for the military at age seven and ending at age sixty (so basically their whole life was for the military). Also, Sparta valued women much more than Athens. In Athens, women had no rights at all and were only there to reproduce and to clean up after the men and manage the home. They also took care of the babies. Unlike the Sparta women who were allowed to have military training (but could not serve in the military), play sports, learn about the arts, go out in public, and own property/stores. Those from Sparta were descendants of the Dorian invaders, however those from Athens were descendants of the Ionians. Athens founded democracy, and believed that the individual was important, while Sparta believed in the state rather than the individual, with a government based on a oligarchic system. Sparta based their society on the repression of 'Helots' (slaves). Athens freed their slaves and abolished debt slavery.

Did Athens or Sparta win the war?

Athens is located on the central plain of Attica or Attica Basin. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains and the fourth side by a gulf. Sparta is located on the Peloponnesus Peninsula. Between Sparta and the sea is the Parnon Mountains on the east and the Targetus mountains on the west They are both in the country of Greece. Athens and Sparta are also cities in Georgia, in the United States, named for their more famous Greek counterparts.

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Why were philosophers more likely to be found in Athens than Sparta?

Athens valued education and intellectual pursuits more than Sparta, which focused primarily on military training and physical prowess. As a result, Athens attracted more philosophers who were interested in engaging in philosophical discussions and developing new ideas. Additionally, the democratic system in Athens provided greater freedom of expression compared to the more authoritarian government in Sparta.

Does Athens or Sparta have more geographic area on the map?

Sparta has more geographic area than Athens on the map.

Who is stronger Athens or Sparta?

Sparta was stronger because they trained for the military more than Athens.

Who gave women the most freedom Athens or Sparta?

Well in Sparta, women didnt have much rights but had more freedom than women in Athens so you can say Sparta

Was Sparta or Athens more attractive toward money?

I think that Athens was more directed toward money than Sparta, because they wern't directed toward war and were more about enjoying life than war.

Was Sparta military better than Athens?

Athens was a democracy and had more liberal (for that time) thinking and had good navy. Sparta was a oligarchy was more conservative and militaristic and had great army. In the war between them (Peloponnesian war), Sparta won.

List one difference between life in Sparta and Athens?

Sparta Woman had much more freedom the Athenian woman. Sparta woman also had a better education than Athens.

Does Athens or Spartans have more geographic area?

Sparta has more geographic area than Athens. Athens is located in the region of Attica in central Greece, while Sparta is located in the region of Laconia in the southern part of the Peloponnese.

Why are Athens better then Sparta?

Athens isn't better than sparta. its the other way around!!

Why is it better to live in Athens than Sparta?

Athens offered a more diverse culture with a focus on arts, education, and democracy, while Sparta was more militaristic and regimented. Athens had a more open and inclusive society, while Sparta's strict social structure and focus on warfare may have limited personal freedoms for its citizens. Overall, the emphasis on intellectual and cultural pursuits in Athens could be seen as more appealing than the militaristic focus of Sparta.

What were the two most powerful city-states in early Greece?

Athens, Thebes, and Sparta were the three most powerful Greek City-States.

Why is Athens better than Sparta?

Athens is often considered better than Sparta because of its focus on culture, philosophy, and democracy. Athens was a center of arts, education, and intellectual pursuits, while Sparta was primarily a militaristic society. Additionally, Athens gave its citizens more freedom and opportunities for political participation compared to the strict and rigid society of Sparta.