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The Declaration of Independence was a letter to the king laying out the reasons for independence. It was written by Thomas Jefferson who was known for his ability to write. He had read the enlightenment thinkers and this showed in the document. There was no “new nation” in 1776 and there won’t be until 1789. The “English people” had nothing to do with the Declaration and the population of the colonies was 48% English with the rest of the colonies population were German, Swedish, Irish, Scottish, and from other European countries.

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Q: Why do you think it would be important that the new nation maintain its consanguinity or close kinship with the English People in The Declaration of independence?
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Sir you have liberty to return to your own country?

he wants to maintain his own independence.

What were the main ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

The document can be broken down into four parts. Introduction: States the purpose of the document, which was to explain why the American people were declaring independence from Great Britain. Theory: The theory that there are certain immutable rights possessed by all individuals and that these rights are not granted by the government but rather inherent to human nature and that the main purpose of a benevolent government is to secure and protect these rights. Additionally, that government is based on the consent of the governed (the people) who are the sole source of this governmental authority. Finally, that should the government persistently violate the principle of a proper and good government, then the people have the right to overthrow it. Grievances: The third part of the document is a list of grievances against King George III, who was singled out to represent the actions of the British government. These grievances are examples of actions that violated the criteria for good government stated in the second part of the Declaration of Independence. These grievances, therefore, justify separation from the King's bad government and establishment of a good government to replace it. Sovereignty: The fourth part of the document is an unqualified assertion of sovereignty by the United States of America. It proclaims the determination of Americans to defend and maintain their independence and rights.

Why were peasants important?

Most of the people are or were peasants. Peasants do the work, maintain the population, fight the wars and keep the economy running.

Apex What did the creators of the declaration feel compelled to do in order to maintain their credibility?

An example of deductive reasoning is shown in the

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What did the creators of the declaration have to do to maintain their credibility?

The 44 men who signed the Declaration of Independence were the nobility of the colonies. They were the most educated and the riches men in the colonies. They didn't have to maintain credibility.

When did America become and cease being colony?

July 4, 1777. When the founders ratified the Declaration of Independence. That made it official, and our ability to maintain sovereignty (winning the Revolutionary War, thank you France!) after the declaration. Then winning the War of 1812 cemented our independence.

What changes made in the text show a desire not to make an absolute break with the English people Why do you think it would be important that the new nation maintain its consanguinity or close kinship?

Changes in the text that show a desire not to make an absolute break with the English people could include maintaining cultural ties, language similarities, or acknowledging shared history. It would be important for the new nation to maintain its consanguinity or close kinship with the English people to ensure continued economic and political connections, facilitate easier diplomacy, and preserve a sense of belonging and identity.

What changes made in the text show a desire not to make an absolute break with the English people in the autobiography the declaration of independence?

In the autobiography "The Declaration of Independence," the text includes sentiments of respect and admiration for the English people, highlighting a desire to maintain a connection with them. This is evident through expressions of regret for the necessity of declaring independence and appeals to shared values and principles. The text emphasizes a desire for reconciliation and peaceful resolution rather than total separation.

Why is it important for accounting firm to maintain their independence in fact and in appearance?

Because the accounting firm has to keep their professionalism in their work and image as the most highly trusted and reliable entity to gain 100% trust in the economy. This is important and must be seen independence as well.

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You will find the homewoners declaration page in your homeowners insurance package. The declaration page is a summary of the insurance you have paid for. The declaration page details out the coverage you maintain on your property.

Did an early draft of the declaration of independence denounced slavery and blamed it on the English king?

No, the early draft of the Declaration of Independence did not explicitly denounce slavery or blame it on the English king. Although there were debates over the issue of slavery during the drafting process, any mention of it was ultimately omitted in order to maintain unity among the colonies. The blame for slavery was primarily directed towards the British government for its policies and enforcement.

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he remained his independence

to maintain their credibility, the creators of declaration had to?

Provide evidence of how they had been mistreated

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He wants to maintain his own independence.

What According to the drafters of the Declaration of Independence what is one reason the king made it difficult for people to acquire land?

to prevent the population of the colonies from growing

Who managed to maintain the independence of Ethiopia?

Ethiopia was never colonized.