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Because sometimes the predictions might not give accurate advice/response or it wouldn't be possible. The Predictions might've not made sense or it may have been unclear.

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arwa okab

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Q: Why do you think people sometimes misunderstood the oracle's predictions?
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Why do you think people sometimes misunderstand the oracles predictions?

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snakes are misunderstood when they are around people, and in peoples houses.

Who were the Oracles?

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Yes, probably. Most people hate him. :(

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because people think all snakes are venomous

What are the real meaning of The world be reborn?

This question relates to the question about the end of the world, which now is trending: 2012. However people are misunderstood as scriptures, predictions and history is sometimes symbolic and not always literal. 2012 is not the end of the world, but as you ask... it is the reborn. However people got some of it correct though, it is the end of evil not the world. The world be reborn means the world will be reborn back to it's original state, return to it's original homeland, one man predict that in two years will come the BEGINNING of the age of peace.

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they were a type of greek and myth and were used to help people read and write in greek

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no they are crazy take Brittany spears for example

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