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Why do people start abusing substances?

People are on habituating drugs for legit reasons. There are several classes of habituative drugs. There are also drugs which are habituative that do not fall in to the class of drugs of abuse. Anticonvulants, for example. Most Anticonvulsant drugs are habituative. They do not fall in to categories opiates, barbiturates, amphetamines. Sudden withdraw from these drugs is fatal. Drugs such as predisone can not be suddenly withdrawn either.

People abuse drugs (and substances) for many reasons. Medical marijuana can be one of them. Marijuana is a useful drug in treating epilepsy. But a high level, THC triggers seizures. Therefor a low THC strain must be used as well as a safe dose. Marujnana causes euporia. The patient will seek the eurphoria and take a larger (unsafe dose) and will seek high TCH strains of the plant.

People also use substances which are not drugs.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs and kill like illegal drugs do. Do not forget that everything from an innocent aspirin to a heroin shot is a drug too, okay? People do use drugs because they are addicted or because they just want to get high.

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13y ago

In the case of medical drugs, people generally take them because they have been prescribed. In the case of recreational drugs, people most usually start taking them purely out of curiosity; they want to find out what it feels like to take that drug. There are additional reasons. People do not want their friends to think that they are too cowardly to risk trying a drug. People want to assert their independence from authority figures who have told them not to use recreational drugs. People use drugs because their friends offer them drugs, and it would seem to be impolite to refuse; it is always nice to be able to share the activities of your friends. And furthermore, people who refuse to take drugs are suspected of being narcs, or puritans. So there are lots of reasons. But sheer curiosity is still the leading reason.

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12y ago

because of peer pressure,family problems,depressed,anxiety

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13y ago

people take drugs because sometimes they think they're not cool,so they start taking drugs and they are sometimes pressured into it.

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10y ago

There probably isn't just any one reason. Peer pressure would be a part of it, but so would immaturity handling the stresses of life.

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Q: What are reasons people start drugs?
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When did people start to use drugs?

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All drugs can be harmful when used for reasons other than intended or prescribed.

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drugs have been used through out history.

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no does are just rumors that people start Barney was never on drugs and hopefully he will never be

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Yes people in P.R. use drugs for health reasons. There are also abusers too.

Are people addicted by drugs?

No, not all people become addicted to drugs. It depends on the type of drugs as well as the type of personality the person has, which makes some people more likely to become addicted than others.

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Well if your talking about legal drugs then people take it when their born, but if your on about Illegal drugs then children probably form the age of 12 start to take illegal drugs xx hope this will help

Why do Mexicans sell drugs?

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Identify at least Three different reasons why a teen might start using drugs?

peer pressure by friends,curiosity and maybe depression

Why use people a drugs?

People mainly start using illegal drugs because the drugs give them a feeling of great pleasure, euphoria. Then, after using them for a while their bodies become addicted to them and the must take the drugs to avoid the discomfort that comes from withdrawing from them.