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Soldiers dug trenches to be below ground level. If they were shot at, the trench provided cover to hide in. Larger trenched areas were constructed to impede the progress of advancing vehicles, like troop carriers, trucks and early tanks. They were also ideal places to hide in and wait for the opposing army to arrive, and then ambush them from a protected place, while the enemy had no cover to hide in.

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Q: Why do you think soldiers were rotated in the trenches?
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Why trenches is important?

A reason I can think of in which soldiers used trenches for is to take cover from machine gunfire. Also, the correct title is why trenches ARE important. Not is.

Why do you think soldiers were rotated in trenches?

Soldiers dug trenches to be below ground level. If they were shot at, the trench provided cover to hide in. Larger trenched areas were constructed to impede the progress of advancing vehicles, like troop carriers, trucks and early tanks. They were also ideal places to hide in and wait for the opposing army to arrive, and then ambush them from a protected place, while the enemy had no cover to hide in.

Why is trench?

A reason I can think of in which soldiers used trenches for is to take cover from machine gunfire. Also, the correct title is why trenches ARE important. Not is.

How much did trenches protect soldiers?

The soldiers would hide in the trenches and fire at the enemy.

What was a typical day for soldiers in trenches?

the typical day for the soldiers was when they had to stay in their trenches because it was snowing and it was freezing outside

Why did the soldiers live in the trenches?

Because the deep trenches protected them from bullets and shell fragments that were fired at the soldiers and so that the soldiers could be be seen (as targets).

Who dug the trenches in World War 1?

The soldiers themselves dug out the trenches.

Why were solders in the trenches?

It was a 'chicken and egg' situation. One side's soldiers were in the trenches to stop the other side's soldiers in their trenches from getting any advantage,.

Why were the soldiers rotated in the trenches?

Soldiers dug trenches to be below ground level. If they were shot at, the trench provided cover to hide in. Larger trenched areas were constructed to impede the progress of advancing vehicles, like troop carriers, trucks and early tanks. They were also ideal places to hide in and wait for the opposing army to arrive, and then ambush them from a protected place, while the enemy had no cover to hide in.

Did they have a wash in the trenches?

No. The soldiers did not bathe unless it rained and they bent to the bathroom in the trenches.

What were the conditions for soldiers in the trenches?


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