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Q: Why do you think we buy goods and services from another country Is this a good or bad thing?
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When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency that is considered a?

First of all - your punctuation. You need a comma after the second "currency" so as not to confuse whether 'value' or 'currency' is the point - "When the value of a country's currency goes up compared to another country's currency, that is considered a...?" Bad thing, as the cost of goods and services of 'Currency A' go up when compared to 'Currency B.' People will want things priced in Currency B, perceiving them cheaper than Currency A goods and services.

What is concerned with all of the activities involved in creating goods and services and the distribution of those goods and services to customers?

business is a bad thing so leave it

What shipping service?

shipping services are those services that transport freight , cargo, goods, passenger and other thing by sea.

What are Pennsylvania's goods and services?

i was wonderin the same thing so srry i cant help u there

Explain how service producers differ from goods producers in important aspects of their operations.?

goods is the thing that are go no be sold. services is the treatment or providing things to sale

What the government do in a socialist country?

Set prices for goods and services.

What is barter money?

Bartering is the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, without money. E.g. I will cut your hair if you give me two books. Since bartering is exclusive to the use of money, there is no such thing as "barter money".

In what specific way does the distribution of services differ from the distribution of goods?

For one thing, the distribution of services is not based on an inventory of goods, although certain materials and equipment may be required. You also have reduced cost of delivery with services in most cases due to decrease of postage costs.

Is the GDP how much money people make?

No, the GDP is the "gross domestic product". It's the value of the goods and services produced by the entire country. It's kind of related to how much money people make, but it's not the same thing.

Organizational effectiveness is achieved when?

The organization is effective when it accomplishes its specified purpose by producing quality goods and services efficiently. NOTE: Effectiveness and efficiency are not the same thing. To be effective an organization must be both efficient and produce quality goods and services according to plan.

When a country chooses to limit the kinds of goods or services it produces it is practicing?

When a country chooses to limit the kinds of goods or services it produces, it is practicing selective specialization. This can help the country focus on producing goods or services in which it has a comparative advantage, leading to increased efficiency and competitiveness in those sectors.

What is the basic summary of procedurement?

Procurement is the process of acquiring goods, services, or works from an external source. It involves activities such as sourcing, selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing supplier relationships to ensure that goods and services are obtained in a cost-effective and timely manner to meet organizational needs.