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Because often the areas they graze in are iodine deficient, and thus they need iodine along with the normal sodium and chlorine (aka salt) intake. Other mineral licks include other minerals like Cobalt, Selenium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium, etc. depending on the kind of cattle you are raising.

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Q: Why do you use iodine salt lick for cattle?
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Can horses use same lick as cattle?

Yes, there's nothing that says that they cannot. Most, if not all, salt blocks are made for both cattle and horses, not just for one particular livestock species.

What are the nutritional benefits of iodine?

Iodine is very useful for our body. Iodine deficiency can cause thyroid. So just check your iodine level in your salt which you are using in your food. Better use Iodine Salt.

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Can you use cooking salt in your dishwasher?

No its specially formulated for use in dishwashers no table salt

Is it safe to use iodine on your dogs cut?

on the skin yes. however make sure they do not lick at ti at all as like a human it is not good to digest. if you are going to use iodine maybe best to but a cone for the dog

When canning tomatoes do you need to add salt?

It isn't necessary to add salt to canning tomatoes, but if you do, be sure to use salt with no iodine.

Can you use table salt to soak your cartiladge piercing in?

No, it contains iodine which is actually harmful to the wound. You must use sea salt (available at health food stores and most drug stores). The sea salt does not contain iodine and has a natural antiseptic and disinfectant in it.

What kind of iodine can you put in a salt water fish tank?

To the best of my knowledge there should be sufficient iodine in the sea salt you use to make the sea water without adding more.

How do you reduce excessive amount of iodine?

Iodine is often found in salt. When it has been added to salt, the label will read Iodized Salt. To reduce iodine you can try to reduce your iodized salt intake. 10 mgs is the approximate current recommended amount of iodine in the entire diet for adults. Because most people use iodized salt, this level is quite easily attained. Reducing your iodine intake can be difficult. Iodine is also found in milk products, fish, large portions of meat, chocolate, breads, and red3 and controlling the amounts of these foods you consume daily will help with reducing your iodine load. Anti Thyroid Drugs (ATD's) help the body not to use the iodine you consume.

What type of animals will eat from a salt lick?

Many animals like to use a salt lick. The most common animals include deer, goats, cows and sheep and also smaller animals such as squirrels, chipmunks and woodchucks.

Does it make a difference if you use idozied salt rather than nonidozied?

Yes. Most people do not get enough Iodine from their diets, that is why it is added to salt.

Why is the use of iodised salt advisable?

iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to make thyroxin hormone. thyroxin regulates carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism in the body so as to provide the best balance for growth. iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroxin so the use of iodised salt is advisable.