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I assume you want to know why communication in space uses only radio. The reason is that there is nothing else.

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum, as it requires a fluid medium (or even solid) such as air or water. The vacuum of space has no air or water.

It is possible to use wired systems if there is any way to string the wires.

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Q: Why do you use only radio waves in space wave propagation?
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Which waves can go through a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves are the only form of energy that does not need a medium for propagation.

Is propagation of sound waves is SHM?

No. Only the movement of the individual particles is SHM.

Is radio waves made up of many different types of electromagnetic radiation?

No. Only of radio waves.

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sound waves

What type of wave can move through space?

Light waves do, but sound waves cannot, because in space is no medium to carry the vibration. Radio, TV and others can travel in space also.

Does your body emit radio waves?

Our eyes cannot sense radio waves. Although radio waves, visible light waves, X-rays and gamme rays are all part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, our eyes are only equipped to detect the part of the spectrum known as visible light.

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astronomy using radio waves, rather than visible light. visible light and radio waves are essentially the same, only radio waves have a much longer wavelength. not everything emits light in the visible band, many otherwise invisible objects can only be detected using extreme wavelengths.

Electromagnetic waves differ from each other in?

wavelength & frequency (but remember frequency is only a derivative of wavelength for any given propagation velocity) 'Amplitude' also varies (bigger waves!)

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The radio waves don't follow the car when it is moving fast.

Did sound waves travel in dark?

For propagation of sound only a material medium is enough and not light. So it could travel thorugh darkness

Does Light possesses only photons and waves?

Let us think about the propagation of energy from one point to the other. This propagation could be done only in two ways. One by the movement of the particles. For example in case of electrical energy transfered from the source to the bulb via a wire is due to the electrons flowing from the source to the filament of the bulb. But in case of dropping a stone and producing the disturbance to get propagated we rely on the waves. In case of wave propagation no particle are carried along with the wave propagation. The particles only excecute simple harmonic vibration, but the energy is transfered from one particle to the other. So only two options. Hence light being an energy could be propagated one by waves or the other by photons.

How are radio waves xrays microwaves and the suns rays different?

Radio waves ... including microwaves ... and X-rays are different only in wavelength (frequency). The sun radiates all of them.