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Q: Why doe snowball throw ribbon into the fire?
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Can you use the Ribbon for formatting if your hand is on the keyboard?

yes and no i like doe on my beau

State what the subject does is or has in a sentence?

"Doe's" is not the word does. It is a possessive word of the word Doe. A doe is a female deer. Here is an example of its use. "The doe's son was Bambi. She loved her son. But, she was killed in a fire. Bambi has a father. Now the doe's son is being cared for by his father."

What doe the term or acronym LUNAR stand for in the Fire Service?


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What doe sit mean when you dream about fire?

The fire is a symbol of your own emotion. It might illustrate your anger or your "burning" passion.

What has the same syllables as throw?

crow, low, mow, doe, dough, row, toe, show, grow, you, do, to, and, did, how, who, does, with, each with 1 syllable.

How do you pronounce fire in greek?

The word for fire in modern Greek is fotia. This is pronounced as FOe-tia. The word for fire in Latin is ignis.

What rhymes with Lo?

doe, floe, foe, hoe, oboe, owe, roe, toe, throe, woe go, no, pro, quo, so, yo bow (ribbon), crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row, sow, show, slow, stow, tow, throw, yellow beau, beaux, chapeau, chateau, gateau dough, though, sew, whoa

What doe s a hot medal and a fire bird get you Dragon City facebook?

It doesn't, only Mario and Yoshi do.

How doe fire companies extinguish fires if everyone has a well water?

They normally take a tanker truck to homes in countryside.

How many times are you allowed to fire at a deer in north Carolina?

until its dead me and my dad shot a doe 10 times

What doe the name Aiden mean?

Aiden is a pet form of the name of a Celtic sun god Aodh meaning "fire".