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meant imposing self-sacrifice and inflicting suffering upon one's

self in order to reach truth and justice. For example, Gandhi led

a "march to the sea," where Indians then made salt in protest of

a law prohibiting them from doing so.

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Q: Why does Gandhi say that Satyagraha has universal applicability?
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Why does Gandhi say Satyagraha has universal applicability?

meant imposing self-sacrifice and inflicting suffering upon one'sself in order to reach truth and justice. For example, Gandhi leda "march to the sea," where Indians then made salt in protest ofa law prohibiting them from doing so.

Why does Gandhi say that has universal applicability?

gandhi could not have been successful with the Germans or the Russians, Britain had at the least christian sensibilities and could be shamed for their treatment of the people gandhi sought to protect. Many people tried a paccifist attitude with Nazi social party but were unsuccessful, most prominent was dietrich bonhoffer who was hung for oppossing Hitler.

When and where did Gandhi say I cannot hurt you without hurting myself?

Its not Gandhi who said this.

Can you say a few word about the greatness of mahatma gandhi?

Mohandas Gandhi was a Great Leader of India

What did Mohandas Gandhi say independence should be?

With Peace and

How do you say 'universal health insurance' in spanish?

Seguro médico universal

Who say mahatma Gandhi a professional reader?

Mr Fisher says professional readers to Mahatma gandhi

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mahatma gandhi famed persons

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What did Mohandas Gandhi say or do for civil disobedience?

Mahatma Gandhi said that if the British were able to colonise India, it was because of the support of Indians. All infrastructural offices (post offices, railway stations, police forces) of the British-Indian Government hired Indians. Also, it was Indians who purchased industrial goods from the British and supported their economy.Therefore, independence could only be achieved if Indians refused to work for Britishers and use their output. Hence, Gandhi propagated civil disobedience.However, he was staunchly against violence and believed in passive resistance. Disobedience was conducted by peaceful demonstrations, resignations of Indian teachers, clerks and sepoys, and also by the use of Satyagraha.

What legacy did mahatma Gandhi leave?

Gandhi remains highly significant for the symbol of peace and because of the powerful force against oppression. . Gandhi said: 'YOU have the power to create the world you want.' Gandhi did not say, 'I will be the change'; he said YOU be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi left the satyagraha which mean the pursuit of truth. Gandhi strongly influenced the thinking behind the non-violent struggle of the American civil rights leader, Martin Luther King. Nelson Mandela has also credited Gandhi's legacy with inspiring him during the great man's own long fight against the 'apartheid regime' in South Africa. Gandhi's death was dramatic, on the 30th January 1948 the man whom the Indian poet Tagore had named Mahatma was killed by shots from a pistol. His whole life he had preached a policy of non-violence.