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Q: Why does Gertrude think hamlet's words and conduct indicate insanity?
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What is hamlets mothers name?

Queen Gertrude.

How marries Claudius?

Gertrude, Hamlets mother.

Hamlets actions provide evidence of his insanity are his actions motivated by something else?

Hamlet's actions may appear to be irrational or erratic, but they are often motivated by his desire to seek justice for his father's murder and his struggle with moral dilemmas. It is debatable whether his actions truly indicate insanity or if they are a result of his complex emotional state and circumstances.

What was the name of Hamlets mother?

Hamlet's mother is Gertrude. She is the queen of Denmark and is married to Claudius. She was originally married to Old Hamlet before he was murdered by Claudius. Gertrude is a weak woman that needs a man around her (ie. her quick marriage to Claudius). Gertrude loves Hamlet dearly, but also watches as Hamlet is sent away to his death.

How does gertrude explain hamlets murder of polonius?

Gertrude tells Claudius that it was out of madness. This means that Gertrude had not divulged the knowledge that Hamlet was faking his madness.

How did Claudius hamlets uncle die?

Hamlet stabs him after Queen Gertrude dies from drinking the poision that was meant for Hamlet.

Who was Hamlet's wife?

Hamlet Sr. was married to Gertrude. Hamlet Jr. did not marry although he did love Ophelia.

What play does the theater troupe perform at Hamlets request?

The death of his father and the marriage of his mother Gertrude to his uncle Claudius.

What was the Christian name of Hamlets mother?

Her name was Gertrude. A complete list of characters in any Shakespeare play and their relationships can be found in the Dramatis Personae, which will be at the beginning of most editions. We never learn anybody's last name.

How many Hamlets in derby are they?

he sold all of his hamlets,.............................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><><><<><>:<><><><>><><><

What are hamlets?

Hamlets are small villages or groups of houses.

Who did Hamlets mother remarry?

Hamlet's mother married his uncle (his father's brother) after his father's death.