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For a number of reason. It is easy to defend against "the beast" or other potential enemies and it is his headquarters, where he is incontrol . He sees it as a clean break with the rules that were made and meetings that took place on the platform and perhaps more importantly as a place untainted by Ralph's leadership.

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Jack wants to turn Castle Rock into a luxury resort and hotel to attract wealthy guests and make a big profit. He plans to renovate the property and capitalize on its potentially lucrative location.

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Jack feels a mix of excitement and anticipation as he and the three others trot toward Castle Rock. The thrill of adventure propels him forward, while a sense of camaraderie with his companions strengthens his resolve. The unknown future that awaits at Castle Rock adds an element of mystery to their journey.

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Jack has not been to the part of the island where Simon's secluded clearing is located in "Lord of the Flies."

What is the significance of Castle Rock in the novel Lord of the Flies?

Castle Rock in "Lord of the Flies" represents the boys' descent into savagery and loss of civilization. It becomes a symbol of power, violence, and the breakdown of societal norms as it is taken over by Jack and his tribe. The progression of actions at Castle Rock showcases the boys' transformation from orderly society to chaos and anarchy.