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Q: Why does Karl marks represent old major?
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Does Old Major represent Lenin in Animal Farm?

Yes and he also represents Karl Marx.

What political major in Russian history does old major represent in 'animal farm'?

Old Major represents the idea of Communism. (Karl Marx to be specific)

Who is major in Animal Farm?

Old Major is Karl Marx.

Who does Mr Jones in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?

He generally represents the Czars of Russia, but mainly is representing Nicholas Csar (Tzar) II and the last of the old government. He was the cruel owner of the animals.

In George Orwells Animal Farm Old Major represents and Napoleon represents?

Old Major represents Karl Marx and Napoleon represents Stalin

What does Old Major's skull symbolize in Animal Farm?

Old major referred to the animals as comrades

What political idea in Russian history does old major represent in animal farm?

Old Major represents the political idea of Marxism-Leninism in Russian history. He symbolizes the revolutionary spirit and ideas of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, advocating for a classless society and the overthrow of the oppressive ruling class. He plays a crucial role in inspiring the animals' rebellion and laying the foundation for their socialist utopia.

What political idea in Russian history does old major represent?

If I recall the book correctly, Old Major represented the old, original, or true, intent of Communism. Old Major could be interchangeable with someone like Karl Marx or Lenin. But, after Old Major's death, the other pigs took his idea and turned it into a way to hold power. The main leader being Napoleon, who's a representation of Josef Stalin, used Old Major's good intentions to benefit himself.

How was Karl Marx involved in the animal farm?

Karl Marx is represented by Old Major in the book and is the founder of communism/animalism.

Who is the political person that old major represents in Animal Farm?

Karl Marx

Who was leon trotsky on animal farm?

Well its the bigs who are the leadear for socialim on the farm. All were but if we say communism napoleon was and snowball was more of a socialist. Old Major would represent Karl Marx and would represent Marxism aka beginings of socialism.

Why does old major fit in animal farm?

Old major reps. Karl Marx. he had a vision, then died and never lived to see the corrupt life it turned to be.