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Well, he didn't directly have second thoughts of killing the king and he also does not tell his wife. Overall, he only questions the impact of the witches on him as he ends up realizing the mistakes that he made and how everything basically went up in flames.

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Q: Why does Macbeth have have second thoughts after killing the king when his wife does not?
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Macbeth has doubts and second thoughts about killing King Duncan when he considers the consequences of his actions and the moral implications of murder. He starts to question his own ambition and wrestles with his own conscience, leading him to reconsider his plans to become king.

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Lady Macbeth talked Macbeth into killing his cousin, King Duncan of Scotland, who was a guest in his house at the time.

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She helps Macbeth out by tricking him into killing the king. :P

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she talked him into killing the King by accusing Macbeth of being weak and cowardly

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Because you don't mess with Lady MacBeth

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his wife.

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The king

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Macbeth was the Thane of Glamis and one of Duncans generals. After killing Macdonwald, Macbeth became the Thane of Cawdor, and later the King of Scotland (after killing the king)

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In Act 1, Scene 3 of "Macbeth," Macbeth's aside foreshadows his eventual involvement in killing King Duncan in order to become king himself. He expresses his conflicted thoughts about the prophesy of becoming king, indicating the dark path he is considering taking to ensure the prophecy comes true. This sets the stage for the unfolding of Macbeth's tragic downfall as he becomes consumed by his ambition.

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