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Q: Why does N.C.W. refer to the land claims process as a farce?
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when a person claims land: title the land

When did United States Court of Private Land Claims end?

United States Court of Private Land Claims ended in 1904.

When was United States Court of Private Land Claims created?

United States Court of Private Land Claims was created in 1891.

What did the Europeans do to protect their land claims and resources from competitors?

Europeans fought and built forts to protect their land claims and raw materials from others.

British American land claims in 1815?

The British American land claims of 1815 were claims acted uppon the fact that the United states had taken it's independence from the British government and brittain had to take some land. so they took Canada

What has the author Caren Wickliffe written?

Caren Wickliffe has written: 'Indigenous claims and the process of negotiation and settlement in countries with jurisdictions and populations comparable to New Zealand's' -- subject- s -: Claims, Indigenous peoples, Land tenure, Legal status, laws

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Land Oridance

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The French and British both had extensive land claims in Canada (leaving out the other obvious group, the native tribes).

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