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He is not used to them

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Q: Why does Pickering think Higgins does not like parties?
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Explain how colonel Hugh pickering is a foil to professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady?

In My Fair Lady, Colonel Hugh Pickering is one of the principal characters and like Professor Henry Higgins is an expert in phonetics. Henry Higgins is first prompted to take action with 'reforming' Eliza Doolittle when he boasts of his prowess in phonetics.

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no they think its disrespectful.

Plot summary of Pygmalion?

Professor of Phonetics, Henry Higgins makes a bet with his friend Colonel Pickering that he can take a poor flower girl, Eliza Doolittle for the poor side and help her to be a society lady. It turns out to be not as easy as he thought for she has a mind of her own. For a number of months, Higgins trains Eliza to speak properly. There was times when it did not go Eliza's way, and times when it would not go Higgins' way. At the end of the story Eliza is a very lady like woman.

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The theme of Pygmalion is transformation, both of appearance and social status. It explores the idea of how external changes can impact one's identity and how societal expectations influence our behavior and relationships.

Did i do something wrong the girl i like told me that she is going to a party and i told her that i hate parties?

I don't think you did? But, to be honest it depends on if she asked you to go with her or not... But, if you pretend to like parties now only to get with her then she is going to assume you do and you will be going to parties alot more than you would and she knows you dont like them...

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Go to related link below for a picture of Kate Higgins.

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yes very , why do you think guys like watching girls make out at parties and on TV?

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parties but not clubs

What are political party?

Like the left and right groupings i think x

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It is possible that Tay does like Quesha. It will only work if both parties are mutually respectful to each other.

Based on wasington's view of political differences what would his opinon of political parties be?

Washington made it very clear that he didn't like political parties. He was afraid that the party would not work for the common good of the country, but for its own political purpose. If we analyze the political parties today I think he has a point.