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Buffaloes have a larger body density compared to humans, allowing them to float on water. Humans are less dense than water, so they sink unless they can displace enough water with their body to stay afloat.

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Q: Why does a buffalo float on water but not the man?
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Why Man cannot walk on the surface of water?

Water is not a solid, its not a stable surface for man because humans are not hollow so we can't float. Also, we are not jesus.

Why does a buffalo float in water?

Buffaloes are known to float in water due to their large body size and buoyant nature. Their thick coat of fur and overall body structure help them stay afloat when in water. Additionally, their natural ability to swim aids in keeping them buoyant in the water.

Why a man can float in a dead sea?

because it has so much salt in it that it enables the body to float instead of sinking in the water

Can jeremejevite float on water?

Jeremejevite does not float on water.

What do water buffalo?

Water buffalo eat grasses primarily.

What are the results of can water float on water?

Yes, water can float on water. This is because of surface tension, which allows objects with a lower density than water to float on its surface. Items like boats or water bugs can float because of this phenomenon.