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The refraction of light passing through water is different than when light passes through air, and the image a fish sees is not correctly focussed in its eye when it is not looking through water. This is similar in some ways to why a person wearing goggles has a much clearer view when underwater than a person without goggles.

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Q: Why does a fish out of water have a blurred view of what is around it in the air?
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What is it like to be a fish?

Fish actually really short memory spans, some as short as 3 seconds. So you would virtually remember nothing. In addition, Fish have interesting view points. They view things in almost a distorted way.Also, fish have really sensitive hearing. So you when you tap on the glass . . . to them it sounds like bomb. Fish also have what is called a lateral line, which can detect sound waves. This is how they can hear thing from so far away. They can also detect food this way.

How do penguins act as camouflage?

When a penguin is in the water, it swims usually with its belly down, and back up. Its back is black, so that to fish and predators who are above the penguin, the penguin's dark back blends in with the darkness of the depths of the ocean. For fish and predators who view the penguin from below, the penguin's white belly blends in with the brightness of the sky and the water's surface.

Is ray a bony fish type?

Ray a bony fish following type :- Lateral view of Black Labeo (Carp) in spirit Carp skeleton Fish swim bladder in spirit

Do fish eyes function like a fish eye lens?

yes, but it's not what you think. species with fixed eyes have super wide vision compare to a human, we see at about 54mm focal compared to a 35mm full frame camera. most fixed eyes fish see at 17-39mm equivalent. species that have developed eyes movement generally do so because they lack the wider vision. it've been a while since i've seen the exact number, but i'm sure they still still pretty wide. however, not all fish have "fish eye view" some species see narrow, some's eyes aren't even functional and in the process of disappearing through evolution. last but not least, even though their eyes behave similarly, a camera could not represent their view, think of it as 2 fish lense camera pointing at 2 different direction with a blind spot in the front.

Do fish see in color?

Not completely, they can look up down, left and right, but because of the position of the eyes, they physically cannot see straight ahead at short distances. I'll give you an example, I have fish in fish tank that will come to the front of the tank and tilt at an angle, one way or another to check me out with one eye. There are exemptions to the rule, such as a fish will eyes more towards the front of their heads. Naturally, a flounder can only look up at an aerial view one one side of it's body.

Related questions

Do fish know they're under water?

I do not know for sure, but I would say that they view water like we view air.

Fully labelled diagram of dorsal view of Tilapia fish?

the dorsal iew is the upper view of the fish

Why does a fissh out of water has a blur view of what is around it in the air?

because the refraction of light passes through

What is the best fish in Animal Crossing to catch?

View the website below for a fish list.

Where can you View picture of salted fish?

google images

View all types of edible Caribbean fish?

they can eat grey fish called rutes

What is a blurred image?

By definition an image is blurred if you cannot see things clearly due to a number of factors. For example, Google Earth and Google Maps imagery can be blurred when a given area is at lower resolution than its neighboring area and appear "pixelated" when zoomed in too closely. In some cases regions have been intentionally digitally obscured or blurred for a number of reasons. Google, for example, automatically detects licenses plates and faces in its Street View imagery and digitally blurs the pixels for privacy and security concerns.

What is a non-experimental scientific observation?

Scientific observation, is to see the action of a thing, and to see the effect of that action. Without action, you can not see. Without difference, you can not distinguish. Without experimentation, you can not physically divide. Those that have more knowledge, see more. But to see it more clearly: scientific observation is to view the movements, and effects of those movements, or to view any situation, and the effect of it. Example: I saw a fish swim though the water. So based on what I observed, I ask questions, like, how did the fish swim though the water. So I sum up everything I know, and I make the deduction; the fish must have separated the water in order to pass though it. So there it is; my first non-experimental scientific observation of the fish swimming though the water. Now to break it down from the top. I see the fish moving though the water, and I see the effect it has on the water.

How long has bottled water been around?

This is a debatable point, depending upon your point of view. From the Biblical point of view, water has been around since the second day of creation, when the waters of the earth were separated from the waters of the sky. The scientific community will hold a different viewpoint.

What is it like to be a fish?

Fish actually really short memory spans, some as short as 3 seconds. So you would virtually remember nothing. In addition, Fish have interesting view points. They view things in almost a distorted way.Also, fish have really sensitive hearing. So you when you tap on the glass . . . to them it sounds like bomb. Fish also have what is called a lateral line, which can detect sound waves. This is how they can hear thing from so far away. They can also detect food this way.

What does global view mean?

global view is the view (not the view that we see) looking around in global

Why don't fish live very long in water that has been boiled and brought back to room temperature?

Boiling water removes oxygen from the water, which fish need to survive. When the water is brought back to room temperature, it can no longer hold as much oxygen as before and this reduced oxygen level can be harmful to the fish, leading to a shorter lifespan.