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Because the electrons from the Nylon cloth or silk are being passed to the light bulb

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Josefa Bergnaum

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2y ago
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10y ago

Fluorescent bulbs contain a low pressure Mercury vapour. The electricity excites the gas which emits UV light. The inside of the glass is coated with a phosphor. The UV light excites the phosphor which emits visible light.

When you rub the bulb with a piece of nylon you are rubbing electrons from one material to the other (i think from nylon to bulb). This results in static electricity which excites the mercury vapour in much the same way as the electric current in normal operation.

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6y ago

Electrons are transferred from the cloth to the inside of the tube. If there are enough electrons, then they will flow through the tube (creating a current) and the mercury vapor is briefly excited, and the tube will momentarily glow. See related question.

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8y ago

Because the electrons from the Nylon cloth or silk are being passed to the light bulb

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Q: Why does a fluorescent light bulb glow when rubbed with a piece of nylon or silk in the dark?
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What type of white rocks spark when rubbed together?

Flint can be white, and it will spark when struck against iron or steel, but I'm not sure that striking against another piece of flint will do anything like a spark.

What is the definition of electrical charge?

Benjamin Franklin was the man that defined negative and positive charge. In the nineteenth century, positive and negative charge was known as vitreous and resinous charge, respectively.Franklin defined negative charge as the charge of a piece of amber after being rubbed against glass.

How do you identify minerals according to streak?

Minerals can be identified by their streak, which is the color of the mineral when it is broken down into a powder. To test a mineral's streak, a streak plate (usually made of unglazed porcelain) is used. The streak is usually compared to a streak color chart, which contains the colors of a variety of minerals. To test a mineral for its streak, take a small piece of the mineral and rub it on the streak plate. The resulting powder is then compared to the streak chart to identify the mineral. Streak is an important property of minerals because it is more reliable than the external color of the mineral. External color can be altered by impurities and oxidation, but the streak of a mineral does not change. Therefore, testing a mineral's streak is an effective way of identifying it.When identifying minerals according to streak, it is important to consider the following properties: Color - the color of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Luster - the shine of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Texture - the feel of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Opacity - the transparency of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate.By considering these properties when testing a mineral's streak, it is possible to identify the mineral accurately and quickly.

What is the difference between opaque and translucent?

OPAQUE means light transmission is blocked; essentially zero light transmission. A steel plate is opaque. A black piece of cardboard is opaque. TRANSLUCENT means some light gets through but it is scattered in passage so images do not get through. A frosted glass sheet is translucent. Shower curtains are often translucent.

How do you record wind direction?

There are different ways but the best on a windy day is to get a piece of fabric - the fabric should be light weight - when the wind comes the fabric should blow in the same direction as the wind.

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Is it safe to put nylon in a gerbil cage such as a piece of rope?

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The ancient Greek scientist who discovered this phenomenon was Thales of Miletus. He observed that amber could generate static electricity when rubbed with fur, leading to the attraction of light objects like feathers and straws.

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