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Q: Why does a higher frequency wave have more energy?
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How is the frequency of an wave related to its energy?

The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher its energy.

How is the frequency of an EM wave related to it's energy?

The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher its energy.

What is the relationship between frequency and energy of a light wave?

the higher the frequency, the higher the energy

Does a 400 hertz wave have a higher energy than a 800 hertz wave?

No. The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher the energy.

What is the relationship between the frequency o a light wave and its energy?

the higher the energy, the higher the frequency

What type of electromagnetic wave is most energetic?

The higher the frequency the more energy it has.

How does the changing the frequency affect the energy of the wave?

Higher frequency increases the energy. Lower frequency decreases the energy.

What is the relationship between a waves frequency and its energy?

The greater the energy,the larger the frequency&the shorter (smaller) the wavelength.Given the relationship between wavelength&frequency - the higher the frequency,the shorter the wavelength-it follows that short wavelengths are more energetic than long wavelengths.

The energy carried by a wave is indicated by its?

normally by its frequency....more the frequency greater is the energy of the wave

Does a high frequency wave transmit more energy than a low frequency wave?


How does energy content of light vary with wavelength?

The energy varies with the frequency, Energy = h x frequency where h is Planck's constant 2/3E-33 Joule second. The higher the frequency the higher the energy. When the frequency of an oscillating wave {WaveForm aka Particle} increases so in general does it's Energy.

What less energy a wave has the smaller its?

If it is a mechanical wave, then the lower amplitude waves would have less energy. If you are talking about electromagnetic waves, then higher frequency waves (shorter wavelength) have more energy, and lower frequency waves have less energy.