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because they love each other

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Q: Why does a magnet exert a force on another magnet when the two magnets are not in contact?
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Why does the magnet exert a force on another magnet when two magnets are not in contact?

because they love each other

What can magnets exert force from?

From the magnet.

Why can magnets attract objects without touching them?

Magnets create a magnetic field around them that can exert a force on other magnetic materials without physical contact. This force is the result of the alignment of magnetic domains in both the magnet and the object being attracted, causing them to be pulled together.

What ia a magnet?

Magnets are materials that can exert a force of attraction or repulsion on certain objects.Magnets can be strong or weak, depending on their internal arrangements.

Does electricity flow through the magnet?

No, electricity does not flow through a magnet. Magnets exert a magnetic field, which can interact with objects containing electrical charge or current, but they do not conduct electricity themselves.

Is it true that a magnet is an object that can exert force on another material?

Yes, a magnet is an object that has a magnetic field and can exert force on certain materials with magnetic properties. This force is what attracts or repels other magnetic objects towards or away from the magnet.

Can magnets also repel metal?

Yes, magnets can repel certain types of metal, specifically those that are ferromagnetic. When two magnets with like poles facing each other are brought close, they will exert a repelling force on each other. This repelling force can also act on certain metals, causing them to be repelled by the magnet.

Can you spin a magnet continusly with another magnet?

The words to describe what you are asking is basically "is perpetual motion possible" The answer in reality is no. In a perfect environment with no friction, it could theoretically be possible. but the energy required to spin one magnet would be the exact amount of maximum energy that the other magnet can exert. Unfortunately friction in the air, and the bases where the magnets are positioned on also soak up the energy, therefor the magnet can never output enough force on the other magnet to keep it spinning.

What do magnets exert on an iron rod?


Is magnet a forcewhy?

No, a magnet is a physical object. However, a magnet can EXERT a force.

What is true about electric currents and magnets?

Electric currents create magnetic fields, and magnets can also create electric currents if they are moved near a conductor. This relationship between electricity and magnetism is described by electromagnetism, a fundamental interaction in physics. Electromagnetic devices like electric motors and generators rely on this interaction to function.

Why paper flip attract to magnet?

Magnets are one of the rare items found in nature that are able to exert control over other objects without actually touching them. If you hold a magnet close to a certain type of object, it will either attract or repel it. This is due to the principles of magnetism.