

Why does a penny sink in water?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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12y ago

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water has a density of 1. For something to float, the density of the object would have to be under 1, and to sink, it must be over 1. If it is exactly 1, then the object will remain suspended in the water. A penny has a density of over 1, so it sinks in water.

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The density of a penny is higher.

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It will sink. And it will slowly oxidize from the dissolved oxygen in the water.

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Because of the different densities. The density of wood is less than water while the density of a penny is greater than water.

Why does a penny sink faster in water than Sprite?

sprite has sugar so it will take a while for it to sink. the penny will sink faster in water because it doesnt have sugar or anything that soda has

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A penny will rest on the surface of the cornstarch and water mixture only briefly before beginning to sink. Cornstarch and water, when mixed together, act as a non-newtonian fluid which acts as a solid when a sharp or sudden force acts. When a steady force acts, the material acts as a liquid and will flow or allow objects to sink through.

Would a penny sink or float in water?

When an object of volume V is submerged in a liquid, the object experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid it has displaced (the weight of a volume V of fluid). Oil is less dense than water (the oil floating on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico after the Deep Horizon catastrophe is an example of this), so a given volume of oil weighs less than the same volume of water. This means that a penny of volume V submerged in oil feels the weight of gravity pushing it down, and the weight of a volume V of oil pushing it up. The upward weight pushing the penny up is less in oil than in water, so the penny will sink faster in water, theoretically.

Will a penny down the drain clog the sink?

By itself, probably not. Over time, though, other waste and particles will start accumulating around penny and cause a problem. Best to remove penny from sink trap.

Why does a penny sink in sweet tea?

A penny is more dense than tea, so it sinks.

Why does a penny sinks in water whereas ships doesnot sink in water?

All pure metal sinks, only by entrapping air in waterproof compartments can you make it (ships) float.

Does a piece of cooper floats?

A piece of copper sinks because a penny is made of copper so if you try a experiment like you put a penny on plain water it will surely sink because of his density which is 9.0 grams.